我正在以编程方式尝试下载一些托管在 Akamai 上的 RSS 提要。我已经看到从欧洲与美国(也许还有美国的不同地区)的服务器中提取的提要存在差异。
有没有办法以编程方式从一台机器/位置检查遍布美国的多个 Akamai 位置以发现任何差异?我为此使用 Java 和/或 python - 如果有任何库可以帮助解决这个问题。
It would only be possible if you had a list of IP addresses of Akamai's Points-of-Presence where you'd like to monitor discrepancies. Akamai would not, reasonably, publish this information, but you can do some sort of intelligence tricks, for example match IP addresses from here:
against maxmind geoIP database, and then try request the content you need via IP addresses selected in such cross-matching pre-processing. So you can have a hundred IP addresses for a chosen location, but ounly few of them corresponds to a service map Akamai uses for your specific RSS acceleration, so you have to try all hundred to find out.
Specific RSS is identified inside Akamai by FQDN. So to probe the IPs you do this:
curl -H "Host: FQDN" http(s)://IP/uri
If this returns HTTP 200 OK, you have your RSS content for this specific area.