我一直在努力使我的 javascript 应用程序更具可扩展性。该应用程序使用 knockout.js 绑定某种类型的数据库项目的网格,以供用户编辑和更新。我现在正在使用继承并拥有一个 BaseModel 和从中继承的模型。当我想覆盖一个由继承自它的类在 BaseModel 中定义的计算 observable 时,我遇到的问题就出现了。这是用例。
基础网格有一个 UI 绑定到的计算 observable。计算出的 observable 使用带有文本框过滤器的 observable 数组,用户可以键入该过滤器进行搜索。很基本。
子类角色是一种特定类型的网格,部分业务需求是为部门提供过滤器。这是 UI 中的下拉菜单。我想用子类中的角色实现覆盖基类中计算的可观察者。不知道如何做到这一点。
这是一个 JSFiddle:http: //jsfiddle.net/Icestorm0141/vx6843pt/6/
var BaseGridViewModel = function (serverData) {
var self = this;
//searchTerm is a text box that the user types to search
self.searchTerm = ko.observable();
//items are the data from the server
self.items = ko.mapping.fromJS(serverData, mapping);
//filteredItems are the filtered list of items that the grid is actually bound to
//thus when the user searches, the UI updates automatically
self.filteredItems = ko.computed(function () {
if (self.searchTerm() == null || self.searchTerm() == "" || self.searchTerm().length < 3) {
return self.items();
else {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.items(), function (item) {
return item.Description().toLowerCase().indexOf(self.searchTerm().toLowerCase()) >= 0;
var RoleGridModel = function (roleData) {
var self = this;
//calling the base model, I think this is the proper way to do this?
BaseGridViewModel.call(self, roleData);
//UI has a drop down list of departments to filter by, this is the selected filter
self.departmentFilter = ko.observable();
//I WANT to set the filter function for the items to something completely different
var filterOverride = function () {
if (self.departmentFilter() == null || self.departmentFilter() == "") {
return self.items();
else {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.items(), function (role) {
return role.DepartmentId() == self.departmentFilter();