我是 OSLC 集成主题的新手。我有几个问题在我的脑海里。
- 如何知道工具是否支持 OSLC。
- 我可以将 MATLAB 与 Eclipse 集成吗?
Eclipse 有一个可用的 MATLAB 插件
matclipse 的安装方法:
将http://matclipse.eclipselabs.org.codespot.com/git.update/添加到 Help -> Install New Software 中的更新站点并安装 Matclipse。对于 Windows 系统,您还需要安装 win32 extras。
IMPORTANT (Linux/MacOS): MATLAB 路径在第一次启动时没有设置,需要在Window
Git 存储库中提供了这些插件:https ://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/matclipse/source/checkout
要在 Eclipse 中自己构建插件,您需要 Eclipse、PDE 和 EGit 插件,这些插件在更新管理器中可用。(Eclipse Classic SDK 包括 PDE)。然后您需要执行以下步骤:
1) 打开透视图“Git Repository Exploring”并从 URL https://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/matclipse/拉取存储库
2)打开Java透视图,右键单击一个插件并单击“Run as Eclipse Application”
要在 win32 上运行 matclipse,您需要 com.jacob,它也包含在源存储库中。此插件在其他系统上不是必需的。
您应该获得一个新的 Eclipse 实例,其中运行 matclipse 插件。
IMPORTANT (Linux/MacOS): MATLAB 路径在第一次启动时没有设置,需要在Window
然后您可以切换到 MATLAB Workbench 透视图并开始工作!
有关如何在运行的 Eclipse 环境中包含插件的说明,请参阅http://www.vogella.de/articles/EclipsePlugIn/article.html#deployplugin
As of today, there are only a few tools that support OSLC out-of-the-box. You a probably find out by checking their product page (or search the source code if available).
However, there are several initiatives that provide OSLC libraries, which you can use to integrate any tool with proper APIs. One such is the Eclipse Lyo platform. Another example is Rational Jazz.
Eclipse Lyo also has a small example for an OSLC Simulink adapter (Eclipse wiki/Lyo/Simulink).
Take a look at Massif, which sounds like what you need.
It provides a simple command evaluation API (massif/wiki/ApiUsageExample) for Matlab from Eclipse with added support for importing MATLAB Simulink models to EMF and exporting from EMF to Simulink.
Finally, it includes an OSLC-based Simulink model explorer (massif/wiki/OSLCAdaptorGuide) that uses the API to connect to MATLAB and provide Simulink models as OSLC resources. This integration was built using Eclipse Lyo.