I have created the following table in DynamoDB:
Field1: messageId / Type: String / Example value: 4873dd28-190a-4363-8299-403c535e160f
Field2: microtime / Type: Number / Example value: 14143960092414
Field3: data / Type: nested JSON-Array / Example value: {"foo":"bar","other":{"nested":1}}
I am performing the following request using PHP SDK for DynamoDB to create an entry
$raw = '{"foo":"bar","other":{"nested":1}}';
$result = $client->putItem(array(
'TableName' => 'requests2',
'Item' => array(
'messageId' => array('S' => '4873dd28-190a-4363-8299-403c535e160f'),
'microtime' => array('N' => microtime(true)*10000),
'data' => array('S' => $raw),
I want then to query the table and filter using variables within the JSON-array data field. Is my above solution to entering the data the right approach? The JSON-array gets stored as string, as to my understanding. Do we need another datatype? Basically, I can already query the table like below to retrieve messages that were added within the last minute:
$iterator = $client->getIterator('Query', array(
'TableName' => 'requests2',
'KeyConditions' => array(
'messageId' => array(
'AttributeValueList' => array(
array('S' => '4873dd28-190a-4363-8299-403c535e160f')
'ComparisonOperator' => 'EQ'
'microtime' => array(
'AttributeValueList' => array(
array('N' => strtotime("-1 minutes")*10000)
'ComparisonOperator' => 'GT'
foreach ($iterator as $item) {
echo $item['messageId']['S']." ";
But how can I modify my request to allow querying by ANY value within the data-field? For example, filter by only those who have [data][other][nested]=1
I've spent the past hours on this issue and I can't get it to work... I am very grateful for any tips, thanks in advance!