我在虚拟机上安装了 minix3,并希望我可以操纵当前的队列选择算法,以便我可以将其从优先级顺序更改为包含随机分类的低优先级作业的优先级顺序。我能够发现我需要更改的代码部分在 proc.c 中,具体部分是 pick_proc.c。
* pick_proc *
PRIVATE struct proc * pick_proc(void)
/* Decide who to run now. A new process is selected and returned.
* When a billable process is selected, record it in 'bill_ptr', so that the
* clock task can tell who to bill for system time.
register struct proc *rp; /* process to run */
int q; /* iterate over queues */
/* Check each of the scheduling queues for ready processes. The number of
* queues is defined in proc.h, and priorities are set in the task table.
* The lowest queue contains IDLE, which is always ready.
for (q=0; q < NR_SCHED_QUEUES; q++) {
if(!(rp = rdy_head[q])) {
TRACE(VF_PICKPROC, printf("queue %d empty\n", q););
u64_t timecount;
u32_t randdom;
rand = timecount.lo;
rp = random_process(rdy_head[q]);
TRACE(VF_PICKPROC, printf("found %s / %d on queue %d\n",
rp->p_name, rp->p_endpoint, q););
if (priv(rp)->s_flags & BILLABLE)
bill_ptr = rp; /* bill for system time */
return rp;
return NULL;