I use browserify to bundle ReactJS and (among others) react-router. But when I look in the console, the message ...
Download the React DevTools for a better development experience: http://fb.me/react-devtools
... shows up twice (!) telling me that in fact two ReactJS instances are running.
If I look in my browserified JS I saw the ReactJS source only once.
How would I avoid this?
"dependencies": {
"LiveScript": "^1.3.0",
"jquery": "*",
"firebase": "*",
"react": "0.11.2",
"reactfire": "*",
"react-router": "*",
When I run npm ls | grep -i react
I get:
___ react@0.11.2
___ react-router@0.9.4
___ reactfire@0.3.0
_ ___ react@0.11.2