public static void main (String[]args){
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
int input = in.nextInt();
String s = "";
private static int promptUserForNumber(Scanner inScanner) {
System.out.print ("Enter a number between 1 and 3999 (0 to quit): ");
int input = inScanner.nextInt();
if((input < 1 && input > 3999) && input != 0){
System.out.println("Error, number must be between 1 and 3999");
if (input == 0){
return input;
public static String convertNumberToNumeral(int input) {
String s = "";
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
while (input >= 1000){
s += "M";
input -= 1000;
while (input >= 900){
s += "CM";
input -= 900;
while (input >= 500){
s += "D";
input -= 500;
while (input >= 400){
s += "CD";
input -= 400;
while (input >= 100){
s += "C";
input -= 100;
while (input >= 90){
s += "XC";
input -= 90;
while (input >= 50){
s += "L";
input -= 50;
while (input >= 40){
s += "XL";
input -= 40;
while (input >= 10){
s += "X";
input -= 10;
while (input >= 9){
s += "IX";
input -= 10;
while (input >= 5){
s += "V";
input -= 5;
while (input >= 4){
s += "IV";
input -= 4;
while (input >= 1){
s += "I";
input -= 1;
return s;
截至目前有一个无限循环,我不知道我哪里出错了。输出应该是输入一个介于 0 和 3999 之间的数值,然后在下一行它应该输出罗马数字。谢谢!