在 Luaj 中,是否有可能让 Lua 类扩展 Java 类?我尝试getmetatable()在绑定的类上使用,但显然它返回了nil.

这里,Wizard是一个绑定到 Lua 的 Java 类,SetupWizard也是我想要继承的 Lua 类Wizard

function SetupWizard:new()
    local self = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(Wizard))
    return self

分配__index给 的值Wizard也不起作用。


SetupWizard = {
    host = nil,
    user = nil,
    password = nil,
    database = nil,
    mySqlTables = {
        users = nil,
SetupWizard.__index = Wizard

... SetupWizard methods here

2 回答 2


您基于 Java 的 LuaJ 模块需要返回一个表,并且您使用

local SetupWizard = require("SetupWizard")
local Wizard = {}
setmetatable(Wizard, {__index=SetupWizard})
--optionally create single metatable for all Wizard instances: local wizardMetaTable = {_index=Wizard}
function Wizard:new()
  local T = {}
  setmetatable(T, {__index=Wizard})
  -- setmetatable(T, wizardMetaTable)
  -- this increases performance by using one metatable for all wizards.
  return T
于 2015-03-08T23:26:32.263 回答

LuaJ 在处理诸如从 java 中导入类之类的事情方面相当灵活。你没有指定你是如何做到这一点的,所以我假设你已经通过创建一个Java 函数库作为一个桥梁来构建一个你可以要求 (with require"moduleName") 的模块,如下所示:

import org.luaj.vm2.LuaValue;
import org.luaj.vm2.lib.OneArgFunction;
import org.luaj.vm2.lib.TwoArgFunction;

 * When require"module name" is called in luaJ it also searches for java classes with a classname that matches
 * the given module name that inherit from LuaFunction and have a default constructor, it then
 * calls the method call(LuaValue moduleName, LuaValue globalEnviroment) passing the module name string and
 * global environment as LuaValues and returning the return value of this call as it's own. 

public class Example extends TwoArgFunction{

    public LuaValue call(LuaValue modname, LuaValue globalEnv) {
        // Creates a table to place all our functions in
        LuaValue table = LuaValue.tableOf();

        // Sets the value 'name' in our table to example. This is used in the example function
        table.set("name", "example");
        // Sets the value 'exampleMethod' in our table to the class of type OneArgFunction
        // we created below
        table.set("exampleMethod", exampleMethod);

        //Finally returns our table. This value is then returned by require.
        return table;

    /* Creates a function that takes one arg, self.

      This emulates the creation of a method in lua and can be called,
      when added to a table, as table:exampleMethod().
      This is possible as in Lua the colon in functions is
      Syntactic suger for object.function(object) 

    OneArgFunction exampleMethod = new OneArgFunction() {

        public LuaValue call(LuaValue self) {

            if(self.istable()) {
                return self.get("name");

            return NIL;


这可以在你的 Lua 代码中使用,如下所示:

--Imports the class Wrapper we created
example = require"Example"
--Prints the return value of calling exampleMethod
print("The name of the class is: "..example:exampleMethod())

--And then used as an index like so
example2 = setmetatable({},{__index=example})

example2.name = "example2"

print("The name of the class is: "..example2:exampleMethod())

正如我在答案顶部所说,LuaJ 在如何处理这些事情方面很灵活,这只是我会做的方式。

由于我的声誉,我无法发表评论,询问您如何在 LuaJ 中导入 Java 类,请随时在对此答案的评论中澄清。

于 2014-11-03T17:08:14.797 回答