我正在尝试在 Mathgl 中使用 FLTK 运行其中一个示例。虽然基本程序编译时不会出错,但在编译 FLTK_MathGL 示例时,我似乎遇到了链接器错误。
C:\mathgl-2.3\src\libmgl.dll.a C:\mathgl-2.3\widgets\libmgl-fltk.a -mwindows obj\Release\main.o:main.cpp:(.text$_ZN7mglFLTK3RunEv[__ZN7mglFLTK3RunEv] +0x1): 未定义引用 "_imp__mgl_fltk_run' obj\Release\main.o:main.cpp: (.text$_ZN7mglFLTKC1EPFiP8mglGraphEPKc[__ZN7mglFLTKC1EPFiP8mglGraphEPKc]+0x39): 未定义引用 "_imp___ZTV7mglFLTK' c:/codeblocks/mingw/bin/。 ./lib/gcc/mingw32/4.8.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe:obj\Release\main.o:“.text$ ”部分中的错误重定位地址 0x39 _ZN7mglFLTKC1EPFiP8mglGraphEPKc[__ZN7mglFLTKC1EPFiP8mglGraphEPKc]' c:/codeblocks/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.8.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe:最终链接失败: 无效操作 collect2.exe:错误:ld 返回 1 退出状态进程以状态 1 终止(0 分钟,3 秒)2 错误,0 警告(0 分钟,3 秒( s))
#include "mgl2/fltk.h"
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
#include <windows.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void long_calculations() // just delay which correspond to simulate calculations
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
sleep(1); // which can be very long
#if defined(PTHREAD_SAMPLE1) // first variant of multi-threading usage of mglFLTK window
mglFLTK *gr=NULL;
void *calc(void *)
mglPoint pnt;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) // do calculation
long_calculations(); // which can be very long
pnt = mglPoint(2*mgl_rnd()-1,2*mgl_rnd()-1);
gr->Clf(); // make new drawing
char str[10] = "i=0"; str[2] = '0'+i;
gr->Update(); // update window
int main(int argc,char **argv)
static pthread_t thr;
gr = new mglFLTK;
gr->Run(); return 0;
#elif defined(PTHREAD_SAMPLE2) // another variant of multi-threading usage of mglFLTK window. Work only if pthread was enabled for MathGL
mglPoint pnt; // some global variable for changeable data
int main(int argc,char **argv)
mglFLTK gr("test");
gr.RunThr(); // <-- need MathGL version which use pthread
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) // do calculation
long_calculations();// which can be very long
pnt = mglPoint(2*mgl_rnd()-1,2*mgl_rnd()-1);
gr.Clf(); // make new drawing
char str[10] = "i=0"; str[3] = '0'+i;
gr.Update(); // update window
return 0; // finish calculations and close the window
#else // just default samples
int test_wnd(mglGraph *gr);
int sample(mglGraph *gr);
int sample_1(mglGraph *gr);
int sample_2(mglGraph *gr);
int sample_3(mglGraph *gr);
int sample_d(mglGraph *gr);
int main(int argc,char **argv)
mglFLTK *gr;
char key = 0;
if(argc>1) key = argv[1][0]!='-' ? argv[1][0]:argv[1][1];
else printf("You may specify argument '1', '2', '3' or 'd' for viewing examples of 1d, 2d, 3d or dual plotting\n");
case '0': gr = new mglFLTK((mglDraw *)NULL,"1D plots"); break;
case '1': gr = new mglFLTK(sample_1,"1D plots"); break;
case '2': gr = new mglFLTK(sample_2,"2D plots"); break;
case '3': gr = new mglFLTK(sample_3,"3D plots"); break;
case 'd': gr = new mglFLTK(sample_d,"Dual plots");break;
case 't': gr = new mglFLTK(test_wnd,"Testing"); break;
default: gr = new mglFLTK(sample,"Drop and waves"); break;
{ gr->Rotate(40,60); gr->Box(); gr->Light(true); gr->FSurf("sin(4*pi*x*y)"); gr->Update(); }
gr->Run(); return 0;