I have code:
let join a ~with':b ~by:key =
let rec a' = link a ~to':b' ~by:key
and b' = link b ~to':a' ~by:(Key.opposite key) in
and compilation result for it is:
Error: This kind of expression is not allowed as right-hand side of `let rec' build complete
I can rewrite it to:
let join a ~with':b ~by:key =
let rec a'() = link a ~to':(b'()) ~by:key
and b'() = link b ~to':(a'()) ~by:(Key.opposite key) in
It is compilable variant, but implemented function is infinitely recursive and it is not what I need.
My questions: Why is first implementation invalid? How to call two functions and use their results as arguments for each other?
My compiler version = 4.01.0