i am using FarPoint Spreads in a Windows Forms Application.

To show a spread on several Forms, I created a user control which contains one of my spreads and manages the representation.

However the ActiveSheet Property of the Spread seems to always return the first sheet when my user control is not focused - no matter which sheet is actually selected.

Since the Spread still has the "correct" Sheet selected when the user control is out of focus, the information which was the last active spread has to be accessible somehow. Do you have any ideas how i can get (and modify) the active sheet?

Thank you!


1 回答 1


结果我意外多次调用了用户控件的构造函数,因此使用了错误的引用。属性按预期工作 - 我只是在我的界面上显示了错误的控件。

于 2014-10-29T09:38:59.293 回答