I currently have a traditional SVN trunk/tags/branches configuration, but only trunk is actually being used.

I'd like to add a release location, so I have trunk/tags/branches/release, which I can then track with Jenkins to perform builds. When trunk is tested and "releasable", I'd like to overwrite the release location with the contents of trunk.

Ideally this would be possible remotely i.e. without having to checkout release to a developers PC.

Is this possible? I've done:

svn copy http://.../trunk http://.../release

And then made and commited some changes to trunk. But then attempting to do:

svn merge http://.../trunk http://...release


svn: E195020: Cannot merge into mixed-revision working copy [40249:40256]; try updating first

Is what I'm trying to do possible?!


1 回答 1



使用说明merge显示所有可能的调用都将工作副本路径作为目标。如果您传入存储库 URL,它将始终失败。

于 2014-10-24T12:30:32.193 回答