我正在尝试学习 aviary SDK ,我已经下载了他们的示例。
Intent takePictureIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
if (takePictureIntent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {
startActivityForResult(takePictureIntent, REQUEST_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
并将刚刚拍摄的图片加载到 aviary skd 中:他们的样本说要使用:
Intent newIntent = new Intent( this, FeatherActivity.class );
newIntent.setData( Uri.parse("content://media/external/images/media/32705") );
newIntent.putExtra( Constants.EXTRA_IN_API_KEY_SECRET, "your api secret" );
startActivityForResult( newIntent, 1 );
但是如果我只是使用 Intent 拍摄图片,我还没有正确的图像 Uri 吗?
我真正想要的只是拍张照片并将其直接加载到他们的照片编辑 SDK 中。
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private String mApiKey;
private static final int ACTION_REQUEST_GALLERY = 99;
private static final int ACTION_REQUEST_FEATHER = 100;
private static final int EXTERNAL_STORAGE_UNAVAILABLE = 1;
static final int REQUEST_IMAGE_CAPTURE = 1;
mEditButton.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( View v ) {
if ( mImageUri != null ) {
startFeather( mImageUri );
} );
mImageContainer.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( View v ) {
/* Uri uri = pickRandomImage();
if ( uri != null ) {
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "image uri: " + uri );
loadAsync( uri );
} */
// TODO add here to load camera
Intent takePictureIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
if (takePictureIntent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {
startActivityForResult(takePictureIntent, REQUEST_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
}// end onClick
} );
mImageContainer.setLongClickable( true );
mImageContainer.setOnLongClickListener( new OnLongClickListener() {
public boolean onLongClick( View v ) {
if ( mImageUri != null ) {
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "onLongClick: " + v );
openContextMenu( v );
return true;
return false;
} );
Toast.makeText( this, "launcher: " + getLibraryVersion() + ", sdk: " + SDKUtils.SDK_VERSION, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT )
mGalleryFolder = createFolders();
registerForContextMenu( mImageContainer );
// pre-load the cds service
Intent cdsIntent = AviaryIntent.createCdsInitIntent( getBaseContext(), API_SECRET, null );
startService( cdsIntent );
new ApiKeyReader().execute();
protected void onResume() {
Log.i( LOG_TAG, "onResume" );
if ( getIntent() != null ) {
handleIntent( getIntent() );
setIntent( new Intent() );
public void onCreateContextMenu( ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo ) {
super.onCreateContextMenu( menu, v, menuInfo );
menu.setHeaderTitle( "Menu" );
menu.add( 0, 0, 0, "Details" );
public boolean onContextItemSelected( MenuItem item ) {
final int order = item.getOrder();
switch ( order ) {
case 0:
return true;
return super.onContextItemSelected( item );
private void setApiKey( String value ) {
Log.i( LOG_TAG, "api-key: " + value );
mApiKey = value;
if( null == value ) {
new AlertDialog.Builder( this ).setTitle( "API-KEY Missing!" ).setMessage( message ).show();
* Handle the incoming {@link Intent}
private void handleIntent( Intent intent ) {
String action = intent.getAction();
if ( null != action ) {
if ( Intent.ACTION_SEND.equals( action ) ) {
Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
if ( extras != null && extras.containsKey( Intent.EXTRA_STREAM ) ) {
Uri uri = (Uri) extras.get( Intent.EXTRA_STREAM );
loadAsync( uri );
} else if ( Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals( action ) ) {
Uri data = intent.getData();
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "data: " + data );
loadAsync( data );
* Load the incoming Image
* @param uri
private void loadAsync( final Uri uri ) {
Log.i( LOG_TAG, "loadAsync: " + uri );
Drawable toRecycle = mImage.getDrawable();
if ( toRecycle != null && toRecycle instanceof BitmapDrawable ) {
if ( ( (BitmapDrawable) mImage.getDrawable() ).getBitmap() != null )
( (BitmapDrawable) mImage.getDrawable() ).getBitmap().recycle();
mImage.setImageDrawable( null );
mImageUri = null;
DownloadAsync task = new DownloadAsync();
task.execute( uri );
protected void onDestroy() {
Log.i( LOG_TAG, "onDestroy" );
mOutputFilePath = null;
* Load the image details and pass the result
* to the {@link ImageInfoActivity} activity
private void showCurrentImageDetails() {
if ( null != mImageUri ) {
ImageInfo info;
try {
info = new ImageInfo( this, mImageUri );
} catch ( IOException e ) {
if ( null != info ) {
Intent intent = new Intent( this, ImageInfoActivity.class );
intent.putExtra( "image-info", info );
startActivity( intent );
* Delete a file without throwing any exception
* @param path
* @return
private boolean deleteFileNoThrow( String path ) {
File file;
try {
file = new File( path );
} catch ( NullPointerException e ) {
return false;
if ( file.exists() ) {
return file.delete();
return false;
public void onContentChanged() {
mGalleryButton = (Button) findViewById( R.id.button1 );
mEditButton = (Button) findViewById( R.id.button2 );
mImage = ( (ImageView) findViewById( R.id.image ) );
mImageContainer = findViewById( R.id.image_container );
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu( Menu menu ) {
MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
inflater.inflate( R.menu.main_menu, menu );
return true;
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected( MenuItem item ) {
Intent intent;
final int id = item.getItemId();
if ( id == R.id.view_documentation ) {
intent = new Intent( Intent.ACTION_VIEW );
intent.setData( Uri.parse( "http://www.aviary.com/android-documentation" ) );
startActivity( intent );
} else if ( id == R.id.get_sdk ) {
intent = new Intent( Intent.ACTION_VIEW );
intent.setData( Uri.parse( "https://github.com/AviaryInc/Mobile-Feather-SDK-for-Android" ) );
startActivity( intent );
return super.onOptionsItemSelected( item );
protected Dialog onCreateDialog( int id ) {
Dialog dialog = null;
switch ( id ) {
// external sdcard is not mounted!
dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder( this ).setTitle( R.string.external_storage_na_title )
.setMessage( R.string.external_storage_na_message ).create();
return dialog;
* This method is called when feather has completed ( ie. user clicked on "done" or just exit the activity without saving ). <br />
* If user clicked the "done" button you'll receive RESULT_OK as resultCode, RESULT_CANCELED otherwise.
* @param requestCode
* - it is the code passed with startActivityForResult
* @param resultCode
* - result code of the activity launched ( it can be RESULT_OK or RESULT_CANCELED )
* @param data
* - the result data
public void onActivityResult( int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data ) {
if ( resultCode == RESULT_OK ) {
switch ( requestCode ) {
// user chose an image from the gallery
loadAsync( data.getData() );
boolean changed = true;
if( null != data ) {
Bundle extra = data.getExtras();
if( null != extra ) {
// image was changed by the user?
changed = extra.getBoolean( Constants.EXTRA_OUT_BITMAP_CHANGED );
if( !changed ) {
Log.w( LOG_TAG, "User did not modify the image, but just clicked on 'Done' button" );
// send a notification to the media scanner
updateMedia( mOutputFilePath );
// update the preview with the result
loadAsync( data.getData() );
onSaveCompleted( mOutputFilePath );
mOutputFilePath = null;
} else if ( resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED ) {
switch ( requestCode ) {
// feather was cancelled without saving.
// we need to delete the entire session
if ( null != mSessionId ) deleteSession( mSessionId );
// delete the result file, if exists
if ( mOutputFilePath != null ) {
deleteFileNoThrow( mOutputFilePath );
mOutputFilePath = null;
* lo-res process completed, ask the user if wants to process also the hi-res image
* @param filepath
* lo-res file name ( in case we want to delete it )
private void onSaveCompleted( final String filepath ) {
if ( mSessionId != null ) {
OnClickListener yesListener = new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( DialogInterface dialog, int which ) {
if ( null != mSessionId ) {
processHD( mSessionId );
mSessionId = null;
OnClickListener noListener = new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( DialogInterface dialog, int which ) {
if ( null != mSessionId ) {
deleteSession( mSessionId );
if ( !isFinishing() ) {
mSessionId = null;
Dialog dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder( this ).setTitle( "HiRes" )
.setMessage( "A low-resolution image was created. Do you want to save the hi-res image too?" )
.setPositiveButton( android.R.string.yes, yesListener ).setNegativeButton( android.R.string.no, noListener )
.setCancelable( false ).create();
* Given an Uri load the bitmap into the current ImageView and resize it to fit the image container size
* @param uri
private boolean setImageURI( final Uri uri, final Bitmap bitmap ) {
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "image size: " + bitmap.getWidth() + "x" + bitmap.getHeight() );
mImage.setImageBitmap( bitmap );
mImage.setBackgroundDrawable( null );
mEditButton.setEnabled( true );
mImageUri = uri;
return true;
* We need to notify the MediaScanner when a new file is created.
* In this way all the gallery applications will be notified too.
* @param file
private void updateMedia( String filepath ) {
Log.i( LOG_TAG, "updateMedia: " + filepath );
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile( getApplicationContext(), new String[] { filepath }, null, null );
* Pick a random image from the user gallery
* @return
private Uri pickRandomImage() {
Cursor c = getContentResolver().query( Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, new String[] { ImageColumns._ID, ImageColumns.DATA },
ImageColumns.SIZE + ">?", new String[] { "90000" }, null );
Uri uri = null;
if ( c != null ) {
int total = c.getCount();
int position = (int) ( Math.random() * total );
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "pickRandomImage. total images: " + total + ", position: " + position );
if ( total > 0 ) {
if ( c.moveToPosition( position ) ) {
String data = c.getString( c.getColumnIndex( Images.ImageColumns.DATA ) );
long id = c.getLong( c.getColumnIndex( Images.ImageColumns._ID ) );
// you can pass to the Aviary-SDK an uri with a "content://" scheme
// or an abolute file path like "file:///mnt/..." or just "/mnt/..."
// using the "content:/" style uri
// uri = Uri.withAppendedPath( Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, String.valueOf( id ) );
// using the file scheme uri, passing the real path
uri = Uri.parse( data );
Log.d( LOG_TAG, uri.toString() );
return uri;
* Return the current application version string
* @return
private String getLibraryVersion() {
String result = "";
try {
PackageManager manager = getPackageManager();
PackageInfo info = manager.getPackageInfo( getPackageName(), 0 );
result = info.versionName;
} catch ( Exception e ) {}
return result;
* Return a new image file. Name is based on the current time. Parent folder will be the one created with createFolders
* @return
* @see #createFolders()
private File getNextFileName() {
if ( mGalleryFolder != null ) {
if ( mGalleryFolder.exists() ) {
File file = new File( mGalleryFolder, "aviary_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".jpg" );
return file;
return null;
* Once you've chosen an image you can start the feather activity
* @param uri
private void startFeather( Uri uri ) {
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "uri: " + uri );
// first check the external storage availability
if ( !isExternalStorageAvilable() ) {
// create a temporary file where to store the resulting image
File file = getNextFileName();
if ( null != file ) {
mOutputFilePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
} else {
new AlertDialog.Builder( this ).setTitle( android.R.string.dialog_alert_title ).setMessage( "Failed to create a new File" )
mSessionId = StringUtils.getSha256( System.currentTimeMillis() + mApiKey );
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "session: " + mSessionId + ", size: " + mSessionId.length() );
newIntent.putExtra( Constants.EXTRA_OUTPUT_HIRES_SESSION_ID, mSessionId );
newIntent.putExtra( Constants.EXTRA_IN_SAVE_ON_NO_CHANGES, true );
// ..and start feather
startActivityForResult( newIntent, ACTION_REQUEST_FEATHER );
* Check the external storage status
* @return
private boolean isExternalStorageAvilable() {
String state = Environment.getExternalStorageState();
if ( Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals( state ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Start the activity to pick an image from the user gallery
private void pickFromGallery() {
Intent intent = new Intent( Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT );
intent.setType( "image/*" );
Intent chooser = Intent.createChooser( intent, "Choose a Picture" );
startActivityForResult( chooser, ACTION_REQUEST_GALLERY );
* Try to create the required folder on the sdcard where images will be saved to.
* @return
private File createFolders() {
File baseDir;
if ( android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 8 ) {
baseDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
} else {
baseDir = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory( Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES );
if ( baseDir == null ) return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "Pictures folder: " + baseDir.getAbsolutePath() );
File aviaryFolder = new File( baseDir, FOLDER_NAME );
if ( aviaryFolder.exists() ) return aviaryFolder;
if ( aviaryFolder.mkdirs() ) return aviaryFolder;
return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
* Start the hi-res image processing.
private void processHD( final String session_name ) {
Log.i( LOG_TAG, "processHD: " + session_name );
// get a new file for the hi-res file
File destination = getNextFileName();
try {
if ( destination == null || !destination.createNewFile() ) {
Log.e( LOG_TAG, "Failed to create a new file" );
} catch ( IOException e ) {
Log.e( LOG_TAG, e.getMessage() );
Toast.makeText( this, e.getLocalizedMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show();
String error = null;
// Now we need to fetch the session information from the content provider
FeatherContentProvider.SessionsDbColumns.Session session = null;
Uri sessionUri = FeatherContentProvider.SessionsDbColumns.getContentUri( this, session_name );
// this query will return a cursor with the informations about the given session
Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query( sessionUri, null, null, null, null );
if ( null != cursor ) {
session = FeatherContentProvider.SessionsDbColumns.Session.Create( cursor );
if ( null != session ) {
// Print out the session informations
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "session.id: " + session.id ); // session _id
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "session.name: " + session.session ); // session name
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "session.ctime: " + session.ctime ); // creation time
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "session.file_name: " + session.file_name ); // original file, it is the same you passed in the
// startActivityForResult Intent
// Now, based on the session information we need to retrieve
// the list of actions to apply to the hi-res image
Uri actionsUri = FeatherContentProvider.ActionsDbColumns.getContentUri( this, session.session );
// this query will return the list of actions performed on the original file, during the FeatherActivity session.
// Now you can apply each action to the hi-res image to replicate the same result on the bigger image
cursor = getContentResolver().query( actionsUri, null, null, null, null );
if ( null != cursor ) {
// If the cursor is valid we will start a new asynctask process to query the cursor
// and apply all the actions in a queue
HDAsyncTask task = new HDAsyncTask( Uri.parse( session.file_name ), destination.getAbsolutePath(), session_name );
task.execute( cursor );
} else {
error = "Failed to retrieve the list of actions!";
} else {
error = "Failed to retrieve the session informations";
if ( null != error ) {
Toast.makeText( this, error, Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show();
* Delete the session and all it's actions. We do not need it anymore.<br />
* Note that this is optional. All old sessions are automatically removed in Feather.
* @param session_id
private void deleteSession( final String session_id ) {
Uri uri = FeatherContentProvider.SessionsDbColumns.getContentUri( this, session_id );
getContentResolver().delete( uri, null, null );
* AsyncTask for Hi-Res image processing
* @author alessandro
private class HDAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Cursor, Integer, String> {
Uri uri_;
String dstPath_;
ProgressDialog progress_;
String session_;
ExifInterfaceExtended exif_;
* Initialize the HiRes async task
* @param source
* - source image file
* @param destination
* - destination image file
* @param session_id
* - the session id used to retrieve the list of actions
public HDAsyncTask( Uri source, String destination, String session_id ) {
uri_ = source;
dstPath_ = destination;
session_ = session_id;
protected void onPreExecute() {
progress_ = new ProgressDialog( MainActivity.this );
progress_.setIndeterminate( true );
progress_.setTitle( "Processing Hi-res image" );
progress_.setMessage( "Loading image..." );
progress_.setProgressStyle( ProgressDialog.STYLE_SPINNER );
progress_.setCancelable( false );
protected void onProgressUpdate( Integer... values ) {
super.onProgressUpdate( values );
final int index = values[0];
final int total = values[1];
String message = "";
if ( index == -1 )
message = "Saving image...";
message = "Applying action " + ( index + 1 ) + " of " + ( total );
progress_.setMessage( message );
Log.d( LOG_TAG, index + "/" + total + ", message: " + message );
protected String doInBackground( Cursor... params ) {
Cursor cursor = params[0];
if ( null != cursor ) {
// If in your manifest you're using a different process for the FeatherActivity Activity
// then you *MUST* call this method before using any of the MoaHD methods, otherwise
// you will receive a java exception
try {
NativeFilterProxy.init( getBaseContext() );
} catch ( AviaryInitializationException e ) {
return e.getMessage();
// Initialize the class to perform HD operations
MoaHD moa = new MoaHD();
// Premium partners only:
// by default the maximum image size for hi-res is set to 13Mp ( is fixed to 3mp for the free version of the sdk )
moa.setMaxMegaPixels( MegaPixels.Mp15 );
boolean loaded;
try {
loaded = loadImage( moa );
} catch ( AviaryExecutionException e ) {
return e.getMessage();
// if image is loaded
if ( loaded ) {
final int total_actions = cursor.getCount();
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "total actions: " + total_actions );
if ( cursor.moveToFirst() ) {
// get the total number of actions in the queue
// we're adding also the 'load' and the 'save' action to the total count
// now for each action in the given cursor, apply the action to
// the MoaHD instance
do {
// send a progress notification to the progressbar dialog
publishProgress( cursor.getPosition(), total_actions );
// load the action from the current cursor
Action action = Action.Create( cursor );
if ( null != action ) {
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "executing: " + action.id + "(" + action.session_id + " on " + action.ctime + ") = "
+ action.getActions() );
// apply a list of actions to the current image
moa.applyActions( action.getActions() );
} else {
Log.e( LOG_TAG, "Woa, something went wrong! Invalid action returned" );
// move the cursor to next position
} while ( cursor.moveToNext() );
// at the end of all the operations we need to save
// the modified image to a new file
publishProgress( -1, -1 );
try {
moa.save( dstPath_ );
} catch ( AviaryExecutionException e ) {
return e.getMessage();
} finally {
// ok, now we can save the source image EXIF tags
// to the new image
if ( null != exif_ ) {
saveExif( exif_, dstPath_ );
} else {
return "Failed to load the image";
// and unload the current bitmap. Note that you *MUST* call this method to free the memory allocated with the load
// method
if( moa.isLoaded() ) {
try {
} catch ( AviaryExecutionException e ) {}
if( !moa.isDisposed() ) {
// finally dispose the moahd instance
return null;
* Save the Exif tags to the new image
* @param originalExif
* @param filename
private void saveExif( ExifInterfaceExtended originalExif, String filename ) {
// ok, now we can save back the EXIF tags
// to the new file
ExifInterfaceExtended newExif = null;
try {
newExif = new ExifInterfaceExtended( dstPath_ );
} catch ( IOException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if ( null != newExif && null != originalExif ) {
// save the original exif tags to a Bundle object
Bundle out = new Bundle();
originalExif.copyTo( out );
// import the exif tags from the original file
newExif.copyFrom( out, true );
// this should be changed because the editor already rotate the image
newExif.setAttribute( ExifInterfaceExtended.TAG_EXIF_ORIENTATION, "0" );
// let's update the software tag too
newExif.setAttribute( ExifInterfaceExtended.TAG_EXIF_SOFTWARE, "Aviary " + SDKUtils.SDK_VERSION );
// ...and the modification date
newExif.setAttribute( ExifInterfaceExtended.TAG_EXIF_DATETIME, ExifInterfaceExtended.formatDate( new Date() ) );
try {
} catch ( IOException e ) {
protected void onPostExecute( String errorString ) {
super.onPostExecute( errorString );
if ( progress_.getWindow() != null ) {
// in case we had an error...
if ( null != errorString ) {
Toast.makeText( MainActivity.this, "There was an error: " + errorString, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show();