Drupal 的核心搜索模块,只搜索关键字,例如“sandwich”。我可以使用子字符串(例如“sandw”)搜索并返回我的三明治结果吗?
Recently I made a patch for Drupal's core search module to provide it with partial search (aka n-gram searches) ability. This is tested against Drupal 6.15 & 6.16 releases. You might want to read about patching.
On the other hand you can make use of Apache Solr Search Integration, Search Lucene API modules or other 3rd-party search solutions which takes more time to implement.
PorterStemmer module has its own different story in which you might be interested, too.
最直接的模块可能是Fuzzy Search。我还没有尝试过。如果您在中小型网站上有更高级的搜索需求,Search Lucene API 是一个很好的解决方案。对于更大的站点或真正的高级需求,Solr 是首选解决方案。
Drupal Finder以某种方式做到这一点,即:它具有自动建议功能,因此如果您启动 typich sand