我已经使用 CPLEX 可调用库(在 VS2010 中)解决了一个 lp。lp如下:
obj: x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3
Subject To
c1: - x1 + x2 + x3 <= 20
c2: x1 - 3 x2 + x3 <= 30
0 <= x1 <= 40
代码如下。现在我想让它成为 MIP(对 x 的附加完整性约束)。我试图通过更改status = CPXlpopt (env, lp);
为status = CPXmipopt (env, lp);
. 这不起作用,我得到错误3003: not a mixed-integer problem
int main ()
/* Declare and allocate space for the variables and arrays where we
will store the optimization results including the status, objective
value, variable values, dual values, row slacks and variable
reduced costs. */
int solstat;
double objval;
double *x = NULL;
double *pi = NULL;
double *slack = NULL;
double *dj = NULL;
CPXENVptr env = NULL;
CPXLPptr lp = NULL;
int status = 0;
int i, j;
int cur_numrows, cur_numcols;
/* Initialize the CPLEX environment */
env = CPXopenCPLEX (&status);
/* Turn on output to the screen */
status = CPXsetintparam (env, CPX_PARAM_SCRIND, CPX_ON);
/* Turn on data checking */
status = CPXsetintparam (env, CPX_PARAM_DATACHECK, CPX_ON);
/* Create the problem. */
lp = CPXcreateprob (env, &status, "lpex1");
/* Now populate the problem with the data. */
#define NUMROWS 2
#define NUMCOLS 3
#define NUMNZ 6
/* To populate by column, we first create the rows, and then add the columns. */
int status = 0;
double obj[NUMCOLS];
double lb[NUMCOLS];
double ub[NUMCOLS];
char *colname[NUMCOLS];
int matbeg[NUMCOLS];
int matind[NUMNZ];
double matval[NUMNZ];
double rhs[NUMROWS];
char sense[NUMROWS];
char *rowname[NUMROWS];
CPXchgobjsen (env, lp, CPX_MAX); /* Problem is maximization */
/* Now create the new rows. First, populate the arrays. */
rowname[0] = "c1";
sense[0] = 'L';
rhs[0] = 20.0;
rowname[1] = "c2";
sense[1] = 'L';
rhs[1] = 30.0;
status = CPXnewrows (env, lp, NUMROWS, rhs, sense, NULL, rowname);
if ( status ) goto TERMINATE;
/* Now add the new columns. First, populate the arrays. */
obj[0] = 1.0; obj[1] = 2.0; obj[2] = 3.0;
matbeg[0] = 0; matbeg[1] = 2; matbeg[2] = 4;
matind[0] = 0; matind[2] = 0; matind[4] = 0;
matval[0] = -1.0; matval[2] = 1.0; matval[4] = 1.0;
matind[1] = 1; matind[3] = 1; matind[5] = 1;
matval[1] = 1.0; matval[3] = -3.0; matval[5] = 1.0;
lb[0] = 0.0; lb[1] = 0.0; lb[2] = 0.0;
ub[0] = 40.0; ub[1] = CPX_INFBOUND; ub[2] = CPX_INFBOUND;
colname[0] = "x1"; colname[1] = "x2"; colname[2] = "x3";
status = CPXaddcols (env, lp, NUMCOLS, NUMNZ, obj, matbeg, matind, matval, lb, ub, colname);
/* Optimize the problem and obtain solution. */
status = CPXlpopt (env, lp);
cur_numrows = CPXgetnumrows (env, lp);
cur_numcols = CPXgetnumcols (env, lp);
x = (double *) malloc (cur_numcols * sizeof(double));
slack = (double *) malloc (cur_numrows * sizeof(double));
dj = (double *) malloc (cur_numcols * sizeof(double));
pi = (double *) malloc (cur_numrows * sizeof(double));
status = CPXsolution (env, lp, &solstat, &objval, x, pi, slack, dj);
/* Write the output to the screen. */
printf ("\nSolution status = %d\n", solstat);
printf ("Solution value = %f\n\n", objval);
for (i = 0; i < cur_numrows; i++) {
printf ("Row %d: Slack = %10f Pi = %10f\n", i, slack[i], pi[i]);
for (j = 0; j < cur_numcols; j++) {
printf ("Column %d: Value = %10f Reduced cost = %10f\n",
j, x[j], dj[j]);
/* Finally, write a copy of the problem to a file. */
status = CPXwriteprob (env, lp, "lpex1.lp", NULL);
/* Free up the solution */
... (additional code to free up the solution)...