在缩放级别 1 下,地图由 4 个 256x256 像素的图块组成,因此像素空间为 512x512。在缩放级别 19 时,可以使用 0 到 256 * 2^19 之间的值来引用地图上的每个 x 和 y 像素
为了考虑“缩放”值,我推荐下面简单有效的deltaLonPerDeltaX和deltaLatPerDeltaY函数。虽然 x 像素和经度严格成比例,但 y 像素和纬度并非如此,公式需要初始纬度。
// Adapted from : http://blog.cppse.nl/x-y-to-lat-lon-for-google-maps
window.geo = {
glOffset: Math.pow(2,28), //268435456,
glRadius: Math.pow(2,28) / Math.PI,
a: Math.pow(2,28),
b: 85445659.4471,
c: 0.017453292519943,
d: 0.0000006705522537,
e: Math.E, //2.7182818284590452353602875,
p: Math.PI / 180,
lonToX: function(lon) {
return Math.round(this.glOffset + this.glRadius * lon * this.p);
XtoLon: function(x) {
return -180 + this.d * x;
latToY: function(lat) {
return Math.round(this.glOffset - this.glRadius *
Math.log((1 + Math.sin(lat * this.p)) /
(1 - Math.sin(lat * this.p))) / 2);
YtoLat: function(y) {
return Math.asin(Math.pow(this.e,(2*this.a/this.b - 2*y/this.b)) /
(Math.pow(this.e, (2*this.a/this.b - 2*y/this.b))+1) -
1/(Math.pow(this.e, (2*this.a/this.b - 2*y/this.b))+1)
) / this.c;
deltaLonPerDeltaX: function(deltaX, zoom) {
// 2^(7+zoom) pixels <---> 180 degrees
return deltaX * 180 / Math.pow(2, 7+zoom);
deltaLatPerDeltaY: function(deltaY, zoom, startLat) {
// more complex because of the curvature, we calculte it by difference
var startY = this.latToY(startLat),
endY = startY + deltaY * Math.pow(2, 28-7-zoom),
endLat = this.YtoLat(endY);
return ( endLat - startLat ); // = deltaLat