I've recently updated to using VS2013 and Resharper 8.2, (from VS2010 and Resharper 6) and have found a very annoying "feature" in that Resharper's intellisense does not sort a class's members alphabetically.

By way of example, I have an object called "client" which has a property called EthnicityRequired, and another property called Ethnicities.

Using only native VS2013 intellisense, this is what I get I type client.eth enter image description here

This is what I expect; both properties are listed together.

But, Resharper's Intellisense(less) gives me this

enter image description here

While the visible members are sorted alphabetically, the missing Ethnicities property is way down the bottom of the list and will only be matched if I type "ethnicti" so that the text no longer matches with EthnicityRequired.

From closer inspection of the list, it appears that Resharper is applying some sort of grouping and then sorting alphabetically within each group.

Does anyone know how to get rid of this rather useless behaviour, and revert to a straight alpha sort like Resharper 6.0 and earlier versions?

Bonus points if you can provide a defence of JetBrains' rationale.


3 回答 3


在 Resharper Ultimate 2016.1 中,您可以这样做:

Resharper => 选项 => IntelliSense => 完成行为 => 将排序项目设置为按字母顺序

于 2016-08-02T14:45:13.283 回答

该故障似乎是 ReSharper 8.2.1 版特有的。我刚刚下载/安装了最新版本 8.2.3,并且成员列表再次以 alpha 顺序显示。在此处输入图像描述

于 2014-10-22T22:54:17.207 回答

IntelliSense 可以恢复到 Visual Studio,如下所示:

Resharper => 选项 => IntelliSense => 常规 => 自定义 IntelliSense => 将 C# 设置为 Visual Studio

不知道这样做我会失去多少 Resharper 的好处 - 但需要必须。

于 2015-07-13T12:00:41.293 回答