I'm playing with ovs-dpdk package https://github.com/01org/dpdk-ovs and one thing I don't clearly understand is how can I have OVS bridge and VMs connected to it get access to outside, ie. to the network. On a regular openvswitch the bridge device created by vswitch is 'visible' from linux and can be configured by regular tools (ifconfig, ethtool etc.), so I could create TAP interface and add it to vswitch bridge interface and assign the bridge interface IP address. However with ovs-dpdk this is not the case: any bridge created with ovs-vsctl is not avaialble in userspace linux, at least I don't see it with ifconfig or "ip link show".

Is there another method OVS-DPDK does this? Hopefully someone can shed some light for this problem. Thanks.


1 回答 1


当使用 DPDK 访问 NIC 时,ovs-dpdk 将接管 nic,并且不允许常规内核驱动程序执行它们的操作。

这意味着如果您将硬件与 dpdk io 驱动程序绑定,您将不会再从 linux 主机看到该接口。但是您可以在 ovs 中将 dpdk-ovs 中的这些原始 dpdk 接口桥接/点击/镜像到您的虚拟机或内核的常规驱动程序可见的另一个接口。您只是不能在 dpdk 拥有的接口上执行此操作。

将 dpdk 集成到 ovs 的全部意义在于绕过所有内核驱动程序并尽可能快地从 vswitch 获取数据包,以便它可以将它们本地路由到您在桥接配置中设置的 VM 和其他本地接口。

于 2014-10-23T18:03:36.733 回答