Have any one run into trouble when running dotLess and having hacks on your CSS files? Been working on a project... just installed dotLess after one year of development to ease a little bit the job of creating new CSS files for some new functionality of the web site, and recently our old CSS is not working correctly.

Viewing the resulting CSS files we realized that the dotLess compiler stopeed at some hacks like this one:

html>/**/body #itemTable .informationView fieldset textarea { min-height: 1.3em; height: 1.3em; }

So we were wondering if there is any list of stopping words or hacks for dotLess?


1 回答 1


问题是特别是 CSS hack 真的破坏了解析器。

我们确实有一个解决方法,但它目前远非优雅:插入语句。它的工作方式与 import 语句相同,但它不处理导入的文件,因此,只要您有无法通过解析器运行的代码(例如评论中的版权声明或像您的 css hack),它就是理想的选择。它们在某处的文件中并将它们导入到您的 .less 文件中。



于 2010-04-15T22:45:39.263 回答