我正在导入一种用于在 Excel 中报告的 CSV 安全文件。该文件基本上具有以下格式:





  | A            | B            | C            | D
1 |              | RoleA        | RoleB        | RoleC
2 | UserA        | Y            | Y            | N
3 | UserB        | N            | N            | Y
4 | UserC        | Y            | N            | N


  1. 打开文件并将所有内容放入 3 个多级字典(一个用于用户,一个用于角色,一个用于权限),使用Scripting.Dictionary.
  2. 创建一个工作表并根据字典构建矩阵。


它适用于最大约 10Mb 的文件,但是当文件开始超过该数量(数千个用户和角色)时,我收到以下错误:

Run-time error '430':

Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface


Set pubSecClassAccess.Item(vClass).Item(vValue).Item(vUser) = New Scripting.Dictionary

如果我查看进程,EXCEL.EXE 在引发错误的地方使用了大约 1.5Gb 的 RAM。如果我结束,而不是调试然后关闭工作簿,我会收到以下消息:

Excel cannot complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other applications.

我猜我的 RAM 用完了,尽管我的 8Gb 中仍有大约 4Gb 可用。

我的问题是:我如何重构我的代码,以便它在不使用这么多 RAM 的情况下做到这一点?



1 回答 1


编辑忘了说:宏需要大约一分钟来处理我的 55 Mb 测试文件。



  • 50,000 名用户
  • 200 个角色
  • 用户名和角色名的长度在 15 到 25 个字符之间
  • 每个用户 0 到 50 个权限

生成的文件接近 55 Mb,包含超过一百万个权限。我不打算创建这么大的文件,但没有充分考虑每个用户平均 25 个权限的含义。我应该承认该文件包含重复的权限。下面的宏允许此错误并跳过重复项。


  • 删除之前运行宏创建的所有文件。
  • 读取测试文件(安全日志)并输出三个单独的文件:User.txt、Roles.txt 和 Perms.txt。我刚刚注意到您问题的最后一行,您说这些部分不是固定顺序的。如果您喜欢我的其余代码,那将是一个简单的修复。
  • 创建批处理文件以对 User.txt、Roles.txt 和 Perms.txt 进行排序。
  • 使用 Shell 运行这些批处理文件。
  • 循环直到所有批处理文件都完成。
  • 将 SortedUsers.txt 和 SortedRoles.txt 读入数组。正是这些数组将限制处理的安全日志的大小。我在创建单独的文件时计算了行数,因此这些数组的大小正好合适,没有开销。如果您再次耗尽内存,可以逐行读取 SortedUsers.txt。
  • 根据数组读取 SortedPerms.txt 匹配并将创建的行输出到 Report.txt。

我可以用 Excel 打开 Report.txt(21Mb)并整理格式。


Option Explicit
Sub CreateReport()

  Dim FileName As Variant
  Dim FlIn As Object
  Dim FlLine As String
  Dim FlLinePart() As String
  Dim FlOut As Object
  Dim FlSysObj As Object
  Dim Found As Boolean
  Dim InxProc As Long
  Dim NumPermissions As Long
  Dim NumRoles As Long
  Dim NumUsers As Long
  Dim PathCrnt As String
  Dim Process() As String
  Dim Roles() As String
  Dim RoleCrnt As Long
  Dim RoleNameLast As String
  Dim TimeNow As Double
  Dim Users() As String
  Dim UserCrnt As Long
  Dim UserNameLast As String

  Dim StartTime As Double

  StartTime = Timer

  ' I find it convenient to have all files in the same folder as the workbook
  ' Change PathCrnt as required
  PathCrnt = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\"

  ' Delete any files left by previous run of macro
  ' Replace Report.txt by your name for output file
  ' =====================================================================================
  For Each FileName In Array("Users.txt", "Roles.txt", "Perms.txt", _
                             "SortedUsers.txt", "SortedRoles.txt", "SortedPerms.txt", _
                             "SortUsers.bat", "SortRoles.bat", "SortPerms.bat", _
    If Dir$(PathCrnt & FileName) <> "" Then
      Kill PathCrnt & FileName
    End If

  ' Split security log into three separate files: Users.txt, Roles.txt and Perms.txt
  ' =====================================================================================

  Set FlSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  Set FlIn = FlSysObj.OpenTextFile(PathCrnt & "testfile.txt", 1, False, 0)

  FlLine = FlIn.ReadLine
  Debug.Assert FlLine = "!Users"
  NumUsers = 0
  Set FlOut = FlSysObj.OpenTextFile(PathCrnt & "Users.txt", 2, True, 0)

  Do While Not FlIn.AtEndOfStream
    FlLine = FlIn.ReadLine
    If FlLine <> "" Then
      If FlLine = "!Roles" Then
        Exit Do
      End If
      NumUsers = NumUsers + 1
      FlOut.WriteLine FlLine
    End If

  Debug.Assert FlLine = "!Roles"
  NumRoles = 0
  Set FlOut = FlSysObj.OpenTextFile(PathCrnt & "Roles.txt", 2, True, 0)

  Do While Not FlIn.AtEndOfStream
    FlLine = FlIn.ReadLine
    If FlLine <> "" Then
      If FlLine = "!Permissions" Then
        Exit Do
      End If
      NumRoles = NumRoles + 1
      FlOut.WriteLine FlLine
    End If

  Debug.Assert FlLine = "!Permissions"
  NumPermissions = 0
  Set FlOut = FlSysObj.OpenTextFile(PathCrnt & "Perms.txt", 2, True, 0)

  Do While Not FlIn.AtEndOfStream
    FlLine = FlIn.ReadLine
    If FlLine <> "" Then
      NumPermissions = NumPermissions + 1
      FlOut.WriteLine FlLine
    End If

  ' Create batch files to sort Users.txt, Roles.txt and Perms.txt
  ' I have successfully used Shell with command line parameters but not tonight
  ' Decided not to waste time investigating my error
  ' ===============================================================================================

  Set FlOut = FlSysObj.OpenTextFile(PathCrnt & "SortUsers.bat", 2, True, 0)
  FlOut.Write "Sort <""" & PathCrnt & "Users.txt"" >""" & PathCrnt & "SortedUsers.txt"""
  Set FlOut = FlSysObj.OpenTextFile(PathCrnt & "SortRoles.bat", 2, True, 0)
  FlOut.Write "Sort <""" & PathCrnt & "Roles.txt"" >""" & PathCrnt & "SortedRoles.txt"""
  Set FlOut = FlSysObj.OpenTextFile(PathCrnt & "SortPerms.bat", 2, True, 0)
  FlOut.Write "Sort <""" & PathCrnt & "Perms.txt"" >""" & PathCrnt & "SortedPerms.txt"""

  ' Sort Users.txt, Roles.txt and Perms.txt to create sorted versions
  ' ===============================================================================================

  Call Shell(PathCrnt & "SortUsers.bat")
  Call Shell(PathCrnt & "SortRoles.bat")
  Call Shell(PathCrnt & "SortPerms.bat")

  ' Loop until all the btach files have been completed
  ' ===============================================================================================

  Do While True
    Found = False
    Call GetProcessList(Process)
    For InxProc = 1 To UBound(Process)
      If Process(InxProc) = "cmd.exe" Then
        Found = True
        Exit For
      End If
    If Not Found Then
      Exit Do
    End If
    TimeNow = Now()
    ' Wait 1 second
    Application.Wait TimeSerial(Hour(TimeNow), Minute(TimeNow), Second(TimeNow) + 1)

  ' Read SortedUsers.txt and SortedRoles.txt into arrays
  ' ===============================================================================================

  Set FlIn = FlSysObj.OpenTextFile(PathCrnt & "SortedUsers.txt", 1, False, 0)
  ReDim Users(1 To NumUsers)
  For UserCrnt = 1 To NumUsers
    Users(UserCrnt) = FlIn.ReadLine
  Set FlIn = FlSysObj.OpenTextFile(PathCrnt & "SortedRoles.txt", 1, False, 0)
  ReDim Roles(1 To NumRoles)
  For RoleCrnt = 1 To NumRoles
    Roles(RoleCrnt) = FlIn.ReadLine

  ' Read SortedPerms.txt and generate Report.txt
  ' ===============================================================================================

  Set FlIn = FlSysObj.OpenTextFile(PathCrnt & "SortedPerms.txt", 1, False, 0)

  ' Replace Report.txt" with your name for the output file
  Set FlOut = FlSysObj.OpenTextFile(PathCrnt & "Report.txt", 2, True, 0)

  ' Create and output header row
  FlLine = """User"""
  For RoleCrnt = 1 To NumRoles
    FlLine = FlLine & ",""" & Roles(RoleCrnt) & """"
  FlOut.WriteLine FlLine

  UserCrnt = 0
  RoleCrnt = 0
  UserNameLast = ""
  RoleNameLast = ""
  FlLine = ""

  ' Output header row within do loop

  Do While Not FlIn.AtEndOfStream
    FlLinePart = Split(FlIn.ReadLine, "|")
    Debug.Assert UBound(FlLinePart) = 1
    If FlLinePart(0) = UserNameLast And FlLinePart(1) = RoleNameLast Then
      ' My test file contains some duplicate permissions
      ' Process good permission
      If FlLinePart(0) <> UserNameLast Then
        ' New user or first permission
        If FlLine <> "" Then
          ' Output line for last user
          If RoleCrnt = NumRoles Then
            ' Last role already output
            ' Add Ns for remaining roles
            FlLine = FlLine & Replace(String(NumRoles - RoleCrnt, "N"), "N", ",N")
          End If
          FlOut.WriteLine FlLine
        End If
        UserCrnt = UserCrnt + 1
        FlLine = Users(UserCrnt)       ' Initialise line for new user
        RoleCrnt = 0
      End If
      Do While FlLinePart(0) > Users(UserCrnt)
        ' This user has no permissions. Output line of Ns for it
        FlLine = FlLine & Replace(String(NumRoles, "N"), "N", ",N")
        FlOut.WriteLine FlLine
        UserCrnt = UserCrnt + 1
        FlLine = Users(UserCrnt)
      If FlLinePart(0) < Users(UserCrnt) Then
        Debug.Assert False
        ' User for this permission does not appear in user list
        ' Assume this should not be possible.
        ' Output error message if it does
        ' Have permission for current user
        ' Find entry in Roles() for permiisoin's role
        Do While True
          RoleCrnt = RoleCrnt + 1
          If FlLinePart(1) > Roles(RoleCrnt) Then
            ' This user does not have this current role
            FlLine = FlLine & ",N"
          ElseIf FlLinePart(1) < Roles(RoleCrnt) Then
            Debug.Assert False
            ' Role for this permission does not appear in role list
            ' Assume this should not be possible.
            ' Output error message if it does
            ' This user has this permission
            FlLine = FlLine & ",Y"
            Exit Do
          End If
      End If
    End If
    UserNameLast = FlLinePart(0)
    RoleNameLast = FlLinePart(1)
  Loop  ' For each permission
            ' Add Ns for remaining roles
  FlLine = FlLine & Replace(String(NumRoles - RoleCrnt, "N"), "N", ",N")
  FlOut.WriteLine FlLine        ' Output final line


  Debug.Print Format(Timer - StartTime, "#,##0.0")

End Sub


Option Explicit
  ' Source http://vbadud.blogspot.co.uk/2007/06/show-all-processes-using-vba.html
  ' Modified by Tony Dallimore

                          TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS Or _
                          TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD Or _
  Const TH32CS_INHERIT = &H80000000
  Const MAX_PATH As Integer = 260

  Private Type PROCESSENTRY32
    dwSize As Long
    cntUsage As Long
    th32ProcessID As Long
    th32DefaultHeapID As Long
    th32ModuleID As Long
    cntThreads As Long
    th32ParentProcessID As Long
    pcPriClassBase As Long
    dwFlags As Long
    szExeFile As String * MAX_PATH
  End Type

  Private Declare Function CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Lib "kernel32" _
                      (ByVal lFlags As Long, ByVal lProcessID As Long) As Long
  Private Declare Sub CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hPass As Long)

  ' API Functions to get the processes
  Private Declare Function Process32First Lib "kernel32" _
                      (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long
  Private Declare Function Process32Next Lib "kernel32" _
                      (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long
Public Sub GetProcessList(Process() As String)

  Dim hSnapShot As Long          '* Handle
  Dim uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32 '* Process
  Dim lRet                       '* Return Val

  Dim InxP As Long
  Dim Pos As Long

  ReDim Process(1 To 100)
  InxP = 0      ' Array is empty

'  On Error Resume Next

  ' Takes a snapshot of the running processes and the heaps, modules,
  ' and threads used by the processes

  hSnapShot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPALL, 0&)

  uProcess.dwSize = Len(uProcess)

  ' Retrieve information about the first process encountered in our system snapshot

  ' uProcess.szExeFile is a fixed length string of 260 characters.  Each new process
  ' name is terminated with &H0 and overwrites the previous name.  Hence the need to
  ' discard the first &H0 and any characters that follow.

  ' In the original code, the first process name was ignored.  During my
  ' experimentation, the first name was always "[System Process]" which appears to be
  ' a header.  I continue to discard the first process name

  ' In the original code, the final lRet was output before being tested to be true.
  ' This meant the last name was junk.  I always test lRet before extracting the name.

  lRet = Process32First(hSnapShot, uProcess)  ' Ignore "[System]"
  lRet = Process32Next(hSnapShot, uProcess)
  ' lRet is 0 or 1.  1 means uProcess has been loaded with another process.

  Do While lRet

    InxP = InxP + 1
    If InxP > UBound(Process) Then
      ReDim Preserve Process(1 To UBound(Process) + 100)
    End If

    Pos = InStr(1, uProcess.szExeFile, Chr$(0))
    If Pos > 0 Then
      Pos = Pos - 1
      Pos = 0
    End If
    Process(InxP) = Left$(uProcess.szExeFile, Pos)

    lRet = Process32Next(hSnapShot, uProcess)


  CloseHandle hSnapShot

  ' This ReDim assumes there is at least one process.
  ReDim Preserve Process(1 To InxP)  ' Discard empty entries

End Sub
于 2014-10-23T10:19:18.530 回答