我正在尝试将 .msi 下载到带有 IIS 的虚拟目录设置中。
下载工作正常,但是当我尝试安装 .msi 时,它说它缺少 _cabinet 文件。
通过网络服务将 .msi 作为 byte[] 发送并在客户端组装它是一种更好的方法吗?
我正在尝试将 .msi 下载到带有 IIS 的虚拟目录设置中。
下载工作正常,但是当我尝试安装 .msi 时,它说它缺少 _cabinet 文件。
通过网络服务将 .msi 作为 byte[] 发送并在客户端组装它是一种更好的方法吗?
Are you sure the MSI is corrupt? MSI files have a self-checksum that's verified by the windows installer, if there is corruption a different error is displayed.
I would compare a hash of a failing one with that of one that works, if they are the same the problem is with the way the MSI was compiled.