我正在使用:UBUNTU 14.04 + SDL 2.0.4 + Code::Blocks 13.12 - ( C++ ) - 链接到libtheora.a (v.1.1.1)
目标:能够在 SDL2 应用程序中播放(解码) Ogg Theora 视频。
我可以使用 ffmpeg 库。但是存在许可证问题,因为它们使用 MPEG……等等……
所以,我从http://www.theora.org选择了 Ogg Theora 库,因为它是“无专利的”。
我一直在网上搜索一个非常简单的 C++ SDL2 + Ogg Theora 视频播放示例,在我的情况下,无需解码音频,只需视频,然后发送到 SDL2(可能是纹理?...)。但我找不到任何相关的东西。我发现只有一些“凌乱”的代码,即使这样,它也不起作用。
// My project linkage:
// SDL2:
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_image.h>
#include <SDL_mixer.h>
// OGG Library: (The multimedia wrapper)
#include "ogg/ogg.h"
// VORBIS Library: (Audio)
#include "vorbis/codec.h"
#include "vorbis/vorbisenc.h"
#include "vorbis/vorbisfile.h"
// THEORA Library: (Video)
#include "theora/theora.h"
#include "theora/theoraenc.h"
#include "theora/theoradec.h"
// The "framework" for Ogg Theora video play, from: https://icculus.org/theoraplay
// I'm Testing it...
#include "theoraplay.h"
// SDL2 - Objects:
SDL_Surface* surface;
SDL_Texture* texture;
SDL_Rect rectangle;
// THEORAPLAY - Objects:
THEORAPLAY_Decoder* decoder = NULL; // Will return a Link error... Why?...
const THEORAPLAY_VideoFrame* video = NULL; // No issues (Links and runs ok)
const THEORAPLAY_AudioPacket* audio = NULL; // No issues (Links and runs ok)
int main(int args, char* argv[]){
// (SDL2 code to create the window, renderer, events, etc, goes here...)
surface = IMG_Load("images/example.png"); // Load an image.
texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, temp); // Pass the image into a texture.
// "ERROR" - LOG says: undefined reference to "THEORAPLAY_startDecodeFile"...
decoder = THEORAPLAY_startDecodeFile("bunny.ogg", 20, THEORAPLAY_VIDFMT_YV12);
// "bunny.ogg" - Ogg video from: https://peach.blender.org/download
// SDL2: Here, will be added the code to pass THEORA frames into a SDL2 streaming texture...
// Render everything:
SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, &rectangle);