I'm using the following plugin

However after generating the report, which is the following ,please note that it was a test test (pun non intended)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns2:test-suite xmlns:ns2="urn:model.allure.qatools.yandex.ru" start="1413502062818" stop="1413502063182">
    <test-cases start="1413502062834" stop="1413502062840" status="passed">
        <title>should return null</title>
        <steps start="1413502062817" stop="1413502062817" status="passed">
            <title>Create an empty car and return it</title>
        <steps start="1413502062828" stop="1413502062828" status="passed">
            <title>Create an empty car and return it</title>
    <test-cases start="1413502062867" stop="1413502062880" status="passed">
        <title>should return null</title>
        <steps start="1413502062867" stop="1413502062867" status="passed">
            <title>Create an empty car and return it</title>
    <test-cases start="1413502062818" stop="1413502063182" status="passed">
        <title>should return null</title>

And using allure generate "" in the location of the xml file, the following is generated.

enter image description here

Any kind of help is highly appreciated, thank you!


2 回答 2


这是因为 Karma 适配器仅支持 Allure 1.3.x 系列。您可以尝试生成相同的报告:

$ allure generate -v 1.3.9 path/to/directory/with/xml

将 Karma 适配器更新到 1.4.x存在一个问题,但事实上,由于需求低并且我们根本没有使用 Karma,因此团队中没有人致力于此。因此,能够将 Allure 1.4.0 与 Karma 适配器一起使用的最快方法是发送 PR,我们将对其进行审核和合并。如果你真的对使用 Allure 和 Karma 感兴趣——你甚至可以成为这个适配器的官方支持者。

于 2014-10-17T08:41:37.273 回答

您需要在 UI 上选择过滤器(失败、...、通过)。在您的屏幕截图上没有选择过滤器。


于 2014-10-16T14:52:02.693 回答