I'm using the following plugin
However after generating the report, which is the following ,please note that it was a test test (pun non intended)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns2:test-suite xmlns:ns2="urn:model.allure.qatools.yandex.ru" start="1413502062818" stop="1413502063182">
<test-cases start="1413502062834" stop="1413502062840" status="passed">
<title>should return null</title>
<steps start="1413502062817" stop="1413502062817" status="passed">
<title>Create an empty car and return it</title>
<steps start="1413502062828" stop="1413502062828" status="passed">
<title>Create an empty car and return it</title>
<test-cases start="1413502062867" stop="1413502062880" status="passed">
<title>should return null</title>
<steps start="1413502062867" stop="1413502062867" status="passed">
<title>Create an empty car and return it</title>
<test-cases start="1413502062818" stop="1413502063182" status="passed">
<title>should return null</title>
And using allure generate ""
in the location of the xml file, the following is generated.
Any kind of help is highly appreciated, thank you!