我试图从破解代码面试的书中解决问题 4.7(非常酷的书!)。
解决方案:我创建了一个包装类来保存第一个共同祖先(如果找到的话)和 2 个布尔值来跟踪递归搜索树时是否找到了 a 或 b。请阅读下面代码中添加的注释。
public static void main (String args[]){
NodeTree a, b, head, result; //initialise and fill with data
result = commonAnsestor(a,b,head);
if(result != null)
System.out.println("First common ansestor "+result);
System.out.println("Not found");
class TreeNode{
Object value;
TreeNode right, left;
class WraperNodeTree{
boolean found_a;
boolean found_b;
NodeTree n;
WraperNodeTree (boolean a, boolean b, NodeTree n){
this.n = n;
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
static WraperNodeTree commonAnsestor(NodeTree a, NodeTree b, NodeTree current){
// Let's prepare a wraper object
WraperNodeTree wraper = new WraperNodeTree(false, false, null);
// we reached the end
if(current == null) return wraper;
// let's check if current node is either a or b
if(a != null)
wraper.found_a = current.value.equals(a.value);
else if(b != null)
wraper.found_b = current.value.equals(b.value);
return wraper; // if both are null we don't need to keep searching recoursively
// if either a or b was found let's stop searching for it for performance
NodeTree to_search_a = wraper.found_a ? null : a;
NodeTree to_search_b = wraper.found_b ? null : b;
// let's search the left
WraperNodeTree wraperLeft = common(to_search_a,to_search_b,current.left);
// if we already have a common ancester just pass it back recoursively
if(wraperLeft.n != null) return wraperLeft;
WraperNodeTree wraperRight = common(to_search_a,to_search_b,current.right);
if(wraperRight.n != null)return wraperRight;
// keep the wraper up to date with what we found so far
wraper.a = wraper.found_a || wraperLeft.found_a || wraperRight.found_a;
wraper.b = wraper.found_b || wraperLeft.found_b || wraperRight.found_b;
// if both a and b were found, let's pass the current node as solution
if(wraper.found_a && wraper.found_b)
wraper.n = current;
return wraper;