我正在使用 Rails 2.3.5 并具有如下嵌套结构:
Lists has_many Items
Items_Features has_many Features
Items_Features has_many Items
Items_Features has a text field to hold the value of the feature
然后我有一个带有部分的嵌套表单来更新和显示它,以便它更新 Lists、Items 和 Items_Features
我想要做的是为特征中的每一行生成输入字段,以便用户可以填写一个值并在 items_features 中插入/更新它。我还希望框旁边有一个标签来显示功能名称。
List name: Cheeses
Item1 name: Edam
Feature, hardness: - fill in - <= this list of features from feature table
Feature, smell: - fill in -
我怎样才能中断漂亮而简单的accepts_nested_attributes_for 系统来显示我想要的?
这是 Item 类的代码,现在我有一些 sql:
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :list
has_many :users
has_many :votes
has_many :items_features
validates_presence_of :name, :message => "can't be blank"
accepts_nested_attributes_for :items_features, :reject_if => lambda { |a| a.values.all?(&:blank?) }, :allow_destroy => true
def self.get_two_random(list_id)
Item.find_by_list_id(list_id, :limit => 2, :order => 'rand()')
def self.get_item_features(item_id)
sql = "select items_features.*, features.id as new_feature_id, features.name as feature_name "
sql += "from items_features "
sql += " right outer join features "
sql += " on features.id = items_features.feature_id "
sql += " left outer join items "
sql += " on items.id = items_features.item_id "
sql += "where items_features.item_id = ? or items_features.item_id is null"
find_by_sql([sql, item_id])
这是我的显示代码 - 我需要以某种方式将 feature_id 保存到新记录中:
<% form_tag item_path, :method => :put do %>
<% for items_feature in @item_features %>
<% fields_for "items_features[]", items_feature do |f| %>
<%=h items_feature.feature_name %> <%= f.text_field :featurevalue %><br><Br>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<p><%= submit_tag "Submit"%></p>
<% end %>
嗯,这不起作用 - 它打印得很好,但是服务器给了我:
/!\ FAILSAFE /!\ Thu Apr 15 16:44:59 +0100 2010
Status: 500 Internal Server Error
expected Array (got Hash) for param `items_features'