这是我使用代理、core.async 通道和监视函数提出的解决方案。同样,它有点乱,但它现在可以满足我的需要。概括地说,就是这样:
(require '[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [>!! <!! >! <! chan go]])
; We'll call this thing a queued-agent
(defprotocol IQueuedAgent
(enqueue [this message])
(ping [this]))
(defrecord QueuedAgent [agent queue]
(enqueue [_ message]
(go (>! queue message)))
(ping [_]
(send agent identity)))
; Need a function for draining a core async channel of all messages
(defn drain! [c]
(let [cc (chan 1)]
(go (>! cc ::queue-empty))
; This fn does all the hard work, but closes over cc to avoid reconstruction
[(drainer! [c]
(let [[v _] (<!! (go (async/alts! [c cc] :priority true)))]
(if (= v ::queue-empty)
(lazy-seq [])
(lazy-seq (cons v (drainer! c))))))]
(drainer! c))))
; Constructor function
(defn queued-agent [& {:keys [buffer update-fn init-fn error-handler-builder] :or {:buffer 100}}]
(let [q (chan buffer)
a (agent (if init-fn (init-fn) {}))
error-handler-fn (error-handler-builder q a)]
; Set up the queue, and watcher which runs the update function when there is new data
(fn [k r o n]
(let [queued (drain! q)]
(when-not (empty? queued)
(send a update-fn queued error-handler-fn)))))
(QueuedAgent. a q)))
; Now we can use these like this
(def a (queued-agent
:init-fn (fn [] {:some "initial value"})
:update-fn (fn [a queued-data error-handler-fn]
(println "Receiving data" queued-data)
; Simulate some work/load on data
(Thread/sleep 2000)
(println "Done with work; ready to queue more up!"))
; This is a little warty at the moment, but closing over the queue and agent lets you requeue work on
; failure so you can try again.
(fn [q a] (println "do something with errors"))))
(defn -main []
(doseq [i (range 10)]
(enqueue a (str "data" i))
(Thread/sleep 500) ; simulate things happening
; This part stinks... have to manually let the queued agent know that we've queued some things up for it
(ping a)))
您会注意到,每次添加新数据时都必须在此处 ping queued-agent 非常麻烦。绝对感觉事情被扭曲了典型的用法。