int month
int day
int year
time_t tt = time(NULL); // get current time as time_t
struct tm* t = localtime(&tt) // convert t_time to a struct tm
cout << "Month " << t->tm_mon
<< ", Day " << t->tm_mday
<< ", Year " << t->tm_year
<< endl
struct int 都是从tm
0 开始的(0 = 1 月,1 = 2 月),您可以获得各种日度量值,月中的日 ( tm_mday
)、周 ( tm_wday
) 和年 ( tm_yday
如果有 localtime_r,那么您应该使用localtime_r而不是 localtime,因为这是 localtime 的可重入版本。
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
int main()
time_t tt = time(NULL); // get current time as time_t
tm tm_buf;
tm* t = localtime_r(&tt, &tm_buf); // convert t_time to a struct tm
std::cout << "Month " << t->tm_mon
<< ", Day " << t->tm_mday
<< ", Year " << t->tm_year
<< std::endl;
return 0;