我正在使用 /clr 编写一个插件(dll 文件)并尝试使用 .NET 实现语音识别。但是当我运行它时,我得到一个运行时错误,说“值不在预期范围内”,这个消息是什么意思?
public ref class Dialog : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
public: SpeechRecognitionEngine^ sre;
private: System::Void btnSpeak_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
protected: void Initialize()
//create the recognition engine
sre = gcnew SpeechRecognitionEngine();
//set our recognition engine to use the default audio device
//create a new GrammarBuilder to specify which commands we want to use
GrammarBuilder^ grammarBuilder = gcnew GrammarBuilder();
//append all the choices we want for commands.
//we want to be able to move, stop, quit the game, and check for the cake.
grammarBuilder->Append(gcnew Choices("play", "stop"));
//create the Grammar from th GrammarBuilder
Grammar^ customGrammar = gcnew Grammar(grammarBuilder);
//unload any grammars from the recognition engine
//load our new Grammar
//add an event handler so we get events whenever the engine recognizes spoken commands
sre->SpeechRecognized += gcnew EventHandler<SpeechRecognizedEventArgs^> (this, &Dialog::sre_SpeechRecognized);
//set the recognition engine to keep running after recognizing a command.
//if we had used RecognizeMode.Single, the engine would quite listening after
//the first recognized command.
void sre_SpeechRecognized(Object^ sender, SpeechRecognizedEventArgs^ e)
//simple check to see what the result of the recognition was
if (e->Result->Text == "play")
MessageBox(plugin.hwndParent, L"play", 0, 0);
if (e->Result->Text == "stop")
MessageBox(plugin.hwndParent, L"stop", 0, 0);