我创建了一个程序来从用户那里获取字符串输入并将其解析为令牌并根据输入移动机器人。该程序应该识别这些输入(其中 x 是一个整数):“前进 x”“后退 x”“左转 x”“右转 x”和“停止”。该程序对除“停止”之外的所有命令执行应有的操作。当我键入“停止”时,程序会打印出“发生了什么?” 因为我写了一行内容:
if(token == NULL)
cout << "whats happening?" << endl;
为什么令牌会变为 NULL,我该如何解决这个问题,以便正确读取“停止”?
bool stopper = 0;
void Navigator::manualDrive()
VideoStream video(&myRobot, 0);//allows user to see what robot sees
const int bufSize = 42;
char uinput[bufSize];
char delim[] = " ";
char *token;
while(stopper == 0)
cout << "Enter your directions below: " << endl;
/* parseInstruction(char *c) -- parses cstring instructions received
* and moves robot accordingly
void Navigator::parseInstruction(char * uinput)
char delim[] = " ";
char *token;
// cout << "Enter your directions below: " << endl;
// cin.getline (uinput, bufSize);
token=strtok(uinput, delim);
if(token == NULL)
cout << "whats happening?" << endl;
if(strcmp("forward", token) == 0)
int inches;
token = strtok(NULL, delim);
inches = atoi (token);
double value = fabs(0.0735 * fabs(inches) - 0.0550);
myRobot.forward(1, value);
else if(strcmp("back",token) == 0)
int inches;
token = strtok(NULL, delim);
inches = atoi (token);
double value = fabs(0.0735 * fabs(inches) - 0.0550);
myRobot.backward(1/*speed*/, value/*time*/);
else if(strcmp("turn",token) == 0)
int degrees;
token = strtok(NULL, delim);
if(strcmp("left",token) == 0)
token = strtok(uinput, delim);
degrees = atoi (token);
double value = fabs(0.00467 * degrees - 0.04);
myRobot.turnLeft(1/*speed*/, value/*time*/);
else if(strcmp("right",token) == 0)
token = strtok(uinput, delim);
degrees = atoi (token);
double value = fabs(0.00467 * degrees - 0.04);
myRobot.turnRight(1/*speed*/, value/*time*/);
else if(strcmp("stop",token) == 0)
stopper = 1;
std::cerr << "Unknown command '" << token << "'\n";
/* autoDrive() -- reads in file from ifstream, parses
* and moves robot according to instructions in file
void Navigator::autoDrive(string filename)
const int bufSize = 42;
char fLine[bufSize];
ifstream infile;
infile.open("autodrive.txt", fstream::in);
while (!infile.eof())
infile.getline(fLine, bufSize);
autodrive.txt 文件如下所示:
前进 2
右转 30
后退 3
左转 50