请在下面找到我的代码以获得响应confluence rest api

<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/jquery.min.js"></script>
        type: "GET",
        url: "https://blog.xxxxx.com/rest/api/content?type=blogpost&spaceKey=xxxxx&expand=space,body.view,version,container",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        dataType: "jsonp",
        jsonp: 'jsonp-callback',
        async: false,
        success: function (result) {
        error: function (xhr, errorText) {
            console.log('Error ' + xhr.responseText);

我将这个 和这个作为参考,但它并没有解决我的问题。我在控制台上收到错误Refused to execute script from 'https://blog.xxxxx.com/rest/api/content?type=blogpost&spaceKey=xxxxx&…d=space,body.view,version,container&callback=jsonpCallback&_=1413187692508' because its MIME type ('application/json') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled

我试过了type:postdataType:json和。这些都不适合我。dataType:jsonpjsonp: jsonp-callback

Networkchrome 开发人员工具的选项卡中,我从中得到了响应,confluence但它在控制台或页面上打印的内容不同。

如果我使用dataType:json,我会XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://blog.xxxxx.com/rest/api/content?type=blogpost&spaceKey=xxxxx&expand=space,body.view,version,container. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'https://localhost' is therefore not allowed access在 chrome 上收到错误消息。

更新application/json在 IIS中 添加 mime 类型json不起作用。


            type: 'GET',            
            url: 'https://blog.xxxxx.com/rest/api/content?type=blogpost&spaceKey=xxxxx&expand=space,body.view,version,container',   
            dataType: 'jsonp',
            xhrFields: {                
                withCredentials: false
            headers: {
                "Accept" : "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                "Content-Type": "application/javascript; charset=utf-8",
                "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" : "*"
            success: function (result) {
            error: function (xhr, errorText) {
                console.log('Error ' + xhr.responseText);



results: [{id:3342352, type:blogpost, title:The stocks that are set to fly (or crash),…},…]
0: {id:3342352, type:blogpost, title:The stocks that are set to fly (or crash),…}
1: {id:3833861, type:blogpost, title:Before earnings season, it's downgrade season,…}
2: {id:3833876, type:blogpost, title:Petrobras - what goes up, must come down,…}
3: {id:3833882, type:blogpost, title:Fishing for Income in the FTSE 100,…}
4: {id:4489219, type:blogpost, title:A Ray of Light Among the Gathering German Gloom,…}
5: {id:4489234, type:blogpost, title:Insider trading falls as buybacks dominate share prices,…}
6: {id:4489241, type:blogpost, title:El Clasico: Nike vs Adidas,…}
7: {id:4489248, type:blogpost, title:Dollar uncertainty exposes investors' complacency,…}
8: {id:4489254, type:blogpost, title:Worst yet to come for the Australian miners,…}
9: {id:4489258, type:blogpost, title:Using Aggregate List Views to Find Lurking Risks,…}
size: 10
start: 0

我如何解决 in 的MIME type ('application/json') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled问题confluence rest api


2 回答 2


https://blog.xxxxx.com/rest/api/content?type=blogpost&spaceKey=xxxxx&expand=space,body.view,version,container正在返回 JSON。

您告诉 jQuery 将其读取为 JSONP。

JSON 和 JSONP 是不同的。

您需要更改服务器以响应 JSONP 或更改 JavaScript 以期望 JSON。


如果您将客户端更改为期望 JSON,那么您还需要更改服务器 ( blog.xxxxx.com) 以提供允许浏览器忽略同源策略的 CORS 标头。

于 2014-10-13T10:06:53.280 回答


仅在 GET 上可用。返回的内容类型必须是 application/javascript 。

还要检查 JSONP 是否启用

于 2014-10-13T10:05:43.620 回答