对于数据库测试,我需要生成查询。为了降低复杂性,假设只有“插入”和“选择”查询,我们只存储最多 2^64 的整数。数据库中的条目聚集在两个级别上:主键和集群键。每个主键最多可以有 2^64 个唯一的簇键,也可以有最多 2^64 个唯一的数据项。
- 它是否会创建一个新的主键和
- 它是否会为现有项目创建新的集群密钥。
from random import Random
def generate_seeds(main_chance, cluster_chance, max_generated):
generator = Random()
new = main_chance > generator.random()
# increase the counter if a new item is generated
max_generated += new
# We chose "insert", so a new item needs to be generated
if new:
main_key = max_generated
# seed the generator with that main_key
# now determine if a whole new item will be generated
# or an old key gets new additional items
# Save the main seed. In case we just add an item
# the main seed will be an old one and the main
# seed will only be used for the new items.
cluster_key = main_key
add_item = cluster_chance > generator.random()
# check if a completely new item will be generated
if (not add_item) and new:
return main_key, main_key, max_generated
# We need an old main key that created a new item, so iterate
# over the old keys until we find one that did. If no key was
# ever used to create a completely new item, fall back to
# seed zero, which always generates a completely new item.
if add_item:
# if the cluster_chance is big we might iterate very often :(
for main_key in generator.sample(xrange(main_key), main_key):
if cluster_chance < generator.random() or \
cluster_key == 0:
# special case: no items have been generated yet
main_key = 0
return main_key, cluster_key, max_generated
# The choice was "select", regenerate an old item
choice = generator.randint(0, max_generated)
return generate_seeds(1, cluster_chance, choice)
问题:在 add_item 之后的 for 循环中可能有很多“递归”调用,这更有可能是更大cluster_chance
编辑:到目前为止,我想出的唯一想法是构建一个整数列表。列表[n] 是:
- n,如果 n 用于生成一个全新的项目,主键 = 集群键
- 某个主键 k < n,如果为 n 生成了一个新簇,则主键 = k,簇键 = n
问题是,此解决方案使用大量内存:d = [x for x in xrange(100000000)]
(1 亿个值)使用 3.183.344KiB 内存,因此每个值约 32.6 字节,或每 GB 32.939.450 个值。因此,使用 32GiB RAM,一个人可能管理大约 10 亿个值——很好,但还不够好。