高,我最熟悉 C 和 C++,但我最近一直在尝试使用 java。

我的问题是这条线if (parent.leftChild == temp)永远不是真的。虽然parent.leftChild.Key = temp.key(其余内容相同),但我的印象是,问题在于 Eclipse 调试器中的 parent.leftChild 的 ID = ...5792,而 temp 的 ID 为 ...3632。

我希望有人可以进一步解释。我的代码的解决方法总是可以将 if 语句更改为if (parent.leftChild.key = temp.key),但不应该parent.left == temp是有效的?

class Node{
int key;
char color;

Node leftChild;
Node rightChild;
Node parent;

private Node GetParent(Node node){
    if(node != null)
        return node.parent;
        return null;

private void RemoveNodeFromTree(Node myNode){
    Node temp  = new Node(myNode);

    if(temp.leftChild!= null){
        temp = temp.leftChild;
        while(temp.rightChild!= null)
            temp = temp.rightChild;

        myNode.key = temp.key;
    else if(temp.rightChild != null)
        myNode.key = temp.rightChild.key;

    Node parent = GetParent(temp);
    Node childL = temp.leftChild;
    Node childR = temp.rightChild;

    //have parent point to the proper new node.
    //parent points to left if it exists, then it tries right. 
    //if both are null, point to right anyway
    if(parent !=null ){
        //replace temp with it's left child
        if(childL!= null){
            if (parent.leftChild == temp)
                parent.leftChild = childL;
                parent.rightChild = childL;

            childL.parent = parent;

            childL.color = 'B';
            if(childL.color == 'B' && temp.color == 'B')
                DoubleBlackRestructure(childL, parent);
        else //replace temp with it's right child
            if (parent.leftChild == temp)
                parent.leftChild = childR;
                parent.rightChild = childR;

            if(childR!= null)
                childR.parent = parent;

            if((childR == null || childR.color == 'B') && temp.color == 'B')
                if(childR != null)
                    childR.color = 'B';
                DoubleBlackRestructure(childR, parent);
            else if (childR != null)
                childR.color = 'B';
        myNode = null;
    temp = null;

1 回答 1


Java 中的每个对象都代表一个reference type. 通常,引用是存储对象或数组的内存地址。但是,由于 Java 引用是不透明的并且不能以任何方式进行操作,因此这是一个实现细节。因此,Java 并没有像 C++ 这样的指针,但它具有对对象的引用。

至于您的问题,使用您建议的解决方法应该是解决问题的最简单和最简单的方法。但是,如果您想比较一般 Java 中的对象,请按照以下方法进行。

Java 有两种对象相等性:


if (obj1 == obj2) {
    // The two object references point to the same object


if(obj1.equals(obj2)) {
   // two object references contain "equal" objects


为了能够对同一类的两个 Java 对象进行值比较,该boolean equals(Object obj)方法必须被该类覆盖和实现。



class Node {
    int key;
    char color;

    Node leftChild;
    Node rightChild;
    Node parent;


    boolean equals(Object obj) {
        //null instanceof Object will always return false
        if (!(obj instanceof Node)) {
            return false;
        // each object is obviously equal to itself
        if (obj == this) {
            return true;
        return  this.key == ((Node) obj).key;

    /* This is a simple example of how to override the hashCode as well.
    public int hashCode() {
        // some code to represent each node uniquely
        // i just assume each node has a unique key
        return this.key


if (parent.leftChild.key.equals(temp.key))


Here is a good stackoverflow thread on this

Here is another useful read

于 2014-10-12T01:16:41.503 回答