在 Makefile.PL 中,您可以列出必备模块。来自perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker
A hash of modules that are needed to run your module. The keys are
the module names ie. Test::More, and the minimum version is the
value. If the required version number is 0 any version will do.
This will go into the "requires" field of your META.yml.
# Require Test::More at least 0.47
"Test::More" => "0.47",
# Require any version of Acme::Buffy
"Acme::Buffy" => 0,
CONTENTS 部分中捆绑行的格式需要用空行分隔依赖项。
# @(#)$Id: Informix.pm,v 95.1 1999/11/18 22:10:59 jleffler Exp $
package Bundle::DBD::Informix;
$VERSION = '0.95';
=head1 NAME
Bundle::DBD::Informix - A bundle to install all DBD::Informix related modules
C<perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::DBD::Informix'>
Digest::MD5 - Perl interface to the MD5 Algorithm by GAAS (Gisle Aas)
Bundle::DBI - Bundle for DBI by TIMB (Tim Bunce)
DBD::Informix - DBD::Informix by JOHNL (Jonathan Leffler)
This bundle includes all the modules used by the Perl Database
Interface (DBI) driver for Informix (DBD::Informix), assuming the
use of DBI version 1.02, created by Tim Bunce.
If you've not previously used the CPAN module to install any
bundles, you will be interrogated during its setup phase.
But when you've done it once, it remembers what you told it.
You could start by running:
C<perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::CPAN'>
Note that DBD::Informix does not directly use Digest::MD5. However, if
Informix R&D or Tech Support takes over DBD::Informix (which, as of
1999-11-17, they have not agreed to do), then you will be required to
demonstrate that the MD5 checksums of the code you've got match the
original, or you'll be required to provide the diffs between the original
and what you are using. The shell script md5.verify and Perl script
md5.check will be used to do this.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Jonathan Leffler E<lt>F<jleffler@informix.com>E<gt>
=head1 THANKS
This bundle was created by ripping off Bundle::libnet created by
Graham Barr E<lt>F<gbarr@ti.com>E<gt>, and radically simplified
with some information from Jochen Wiedmann E<lt>F<joe@ispsoft.de>E<gt>.