我已经使用以下代码来使用 spl_autoload_register,如果它不存在,它会降级,并且还处理使用 __autoload 的库,您需要包含这些库。
//check to see if there is an existing __autoload function from another library
if(!function_exists('__autoload')) {
if(function_exists('spl_autoload_register')) {
//we have SPL, so register the autoload function
} else {
//if there isn't, we don't need to worry about using the stack,
//we can just register our own autoloader
function __autoload($class_name) {
} else {
//ok, so there is an existing __autoload function, we need to use a stack
//if SPL is installed, we can use spl_autoload_register,
//if there isn't, then we can't do anything about it, and
//will have to die
if(function_exists('spl_autoload_register')) {
//we have SPL, so register both the
//original __autoload from the external app,
//because the original will get overwritten by the stack,
//plus our own
} else {
因此,该代码将检查现有的 __autoload 函数,并将其添加到堆栈以及您自己的堆栈中(因为 spl_autoload_register 将禁用正常的 __autoload 行为)。