I have 225 image with put together with the montage function in matlab. And I can show them with montage. But i cannot save the montage as a complete image, please help me.
path = uigetdir;
imcell = cell(1,numel(D));
imcropped = cell(1,numel(D));
title('Drag square to crop picture, end with a double click',...
'FontSize', 15 , 'HandleVisibility' , 'off' ) ;
axis equal
set( gca , 'NextPlot' , 'replacechildren') ;
imcell1 = imread(D(50).name);
[~, rect] = imcrop(imcell1);
for i = 1:numel(D)
imcell{i} = imread(D(i).name);
imcropped{i} = imcrop(imcell{i}, rect);
h=montage(cat(4,imcropped{:}),'Size', [15 15] );
The output on montage "h" is just a number.