我在我的专用服务器上安装了 cpanel。我经常收到以下错误:

Problems were detected with cPanel-provided files which are RPM controlled.
If you did not make these changes intentionally, you can correct them by running:

> /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix

The following RPMs are missing from your system:

当我运行 /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix 时,我明白了

root@server1 [~]# /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix
[20141009.104321]   Problems were detected with cPanel-provided files which are RPM controlled.
[20141009.104321]   If you did not make these changes intentionally, you can correct them by     running:
[20141009.104321]   > /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix
[20141009.104321]   The following RPMs are missing from your system:
[20141009.104321]   exim-4.82-4.cp1136
[20141009.104326]   Removing 0 broken rpms: 
[20141009.104326]   rpm: no packages given for erase
[20141009.104327]   Downloading http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/RPM/11.36/centos/6/x86_64/rpm.md5
[20141009.104327]   exim-4.82-4.cp1136.x86_64.rpm already downloaded
[20141009.104328]   Hooks system enabled
[20141009.104328]   Checking for and running RPM::Versions 'pre' hooks for any RPMs about to be    installed
warn [check_cpanel_rpms] program "/scripts/preeximup" is not executable
[20141009.104328]   All required 'pre' hooks have been run
[20141009.104328]   No RPMS need to be uninstalled
[20141009.104328]   Installing new rpms: exim-4.82-4.cp1136.x86_64.rpm
[20141009.104328]   error: Failed dependencies:
[20141009.104328]       sendmail = 8.14.4-8.el6 is needed by (installed) sendmail-devel-8.14.4-8.el6.x86_64
[20141009.104328] W Error Code: 1
[20141009.104328] E The following possible errors were detected while installing RPMs:
[20141009.104328] E Failed dependencies
[20141009.104328]   The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes
[20141009.104328]   Checking for and running RPM::Versions 'post' hooks for any RPMs just installed
warn [check_cpanel_rpms] program "/scripts/posteximup" is not executable
[20141009.104328]   All required 'post' hooks have been run



1 回答 1


显然,世界上没有人对此了解太多。在进行配置更改后,我想停止收到这些通知。我不想运行修复选项,以防它将配置恢复为默认值。查看上面列出的修复程序的输出,它说如果更改是有意运行的……修复程序。运行程序一次是否只提供信息并再次运行它会重置比较文件?如果是这样,如果您没有故意更改某些文件,如何重置配置文件?我在 Google 上进行了广泛搜索,结果中加载了无法提供服务的页面,大多数似乎来自 2013 年的更新,该更新在许多服务器上触发了消息。


于 2014-10-19T11:42:06.517 回答