我有一个没有配置 SSL 的基本 LDAP 设置。用户可以使用 passwd 命令登录,但不能更改密码。我浏览了很多博客,但没有运气。我禁用了 selinux 和 iptables。
- 操作系统:CentOS6.5
- LDAP 版本:openldap-servers-2.4.23-34.el6_5.1.x86_64
- 客户端版本:openldap-clients-2.4.23-34.el6_5.1.x86_64
[servername ~]$ passwd
Changing password for user dkrishna.
Enter login(LDAP) password:
New password:
Retype new password:
LDAP password information update failed: Insufficient access
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
==> /var/log/secure <==
Oct 8 09:31:33 passwd: pam_unix(passwd:chauthtok): user "dkrishna" does not exist in /etc/passwd
Oct 8 09:31:42 passwd: pam_unix(passwd:chauthtok): user "dkrishna" does not exist in /etc/passwd
==> /var/log/messages <==
Oct 8 09:31:42 passwd: pam_ldap: ldap_modify_s Insufficient access
ACL 的配置如下,
database config
access to *
by dn.exact="gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" manage
by * none
database monitor
access to *
by dn.exact="gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" read
by dn.exact="cn=admin,dc=tibbr,dc=com" read
by * none
access to attrs=userPassword
by self write
by anonymous auth
by users none
access to * by * read