I used HTTPComponents to implement a custom web server that access SQLite database. Requests are sent via TCP/IP and I am using REST concepts. By the way my frontend is HTML/jQuery. I know it will be a lot easier if I'll just create a servlet but I am restricted to just using apache http server. I really don't get good performance in using HTTP Components. Any suggestions please. Thanks in advance.


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您所指的确切产品或库并不完全清楚。您在一个实例中提到了 HttpComponents,但在另一个实例中提到了 HTTP 服务器,并且您的主题是完全不同的东西。以防万一您谈论的是 Apache HttpCore,它是 HttpComponents 项目的一部分,它不存在任何重大的性能相关问题。它实际上表现相当不错


于 2010-04-12T21:49:45.053 回答