我有 300 台或更多平板电脑需要推出我新创建的 Metro 风格应用程序。我已经完成了这些步骤,但接下来是什么:
Go to the Visual Studio store menu
Select Create app packages
When prompted for whether the package is for the store select no
Follow the prompts as usual for platform etc.
When completed open the output folder
In the output folder will be a folder named after your app with the extension _Test
This folder contains everything needed to sideload your app
Copy this folder to the target machine
In this folder is a file named Add-AppDevPackage.ps1
Right click the file and select Run with PowerShell
Then follow the instructions. If there is no developer license on the machine,
you will be walked through adding one. You will be asked to accept the key which Visual Studio has created for you.
So that's it. Run Add-AppDevPackage with PowerShell and accept all prompts.
Marked as answer by Roberts_E (Microsoft Moderator) Thursday, November 14, 2013 5:25 PM
我不能在所有 300 台平板电脑上都获得开发者许可??Visual Studio 提供的密钥是临时密钥,对吗?