我正在尝试为我的 Gradle Groovy 项目生成 Codenarc 报告并在 Jenkins 中发布它们。
我成功配置了我的 Gradle 项目以生成 Codenarc 报告:
apply plugin: 'codenarc'
dependencies {
codenarc 'org.codenarc:CodeNarc:0.21'
codenarc {
configFile = file('config/codenarc/codenarc.groovy')
// sourceSets = [project.sourceSets.main] // run codenarc on production sources only
ignoreFailures = true // Let the build finish even though there are code warnings
reportFormat = 'xml'
reportsDir = new File("build/reports/codenarc")
// Read and choose rules here: http://codenarc.sourceforge.net/codenarc-rule-index.html
ruleset {
我还使用 Violations 插件在 Jenkins 上设置了一个工作,但是当生成 Violations 报告时,它不会显示实际的代码违规。它只显示统计信息,如果我按违规的 groovy 文件,它会显示一个空白页。
我有带有 Codenarc 插件的 Grails 项目,它在违规报告中显示了完整的代码片段,所以我猜我在 Gradle 中的 Codenarc 设置有问题?
编辑:如果相关,生成的 Codenarc XML 如下所示:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<CodeNarc url='http://www.codenarc.org' version='0.21'>
<Report timestamp='07-10-2014 15:31:18'/>
<Project title=''>
<PackageSummary totalFiles='124' filesWithViolations='118' priority1='0' priority2='156'
<Package path='testmodel' totalFiles='124' filesWithViolations='118' priority1='0' priority2='156'
<Package path='testmodel/begivenheder' totalFiles='31' filesWithViolations='30' priority1='0' priority2='32'
<File name='AbstraktTest.groovy'>
<Violation ruleName='ClassJavadoc' priority='2' lineNumber='5'>
<Message><![CDATA[Class testmodel.begivenheder.AbstraktAendring missing JavaDoc]]></Message>
<Rule name='AbcMetric'>
<![CDATA[Checks the ABC size metric for methods/classes. A method (or "closure field") with an ABC score greater than the maxMethodAbcScore property (60) causes a violation. Likewise, a class that has an (average method) ABC score greater than the maxClassAverageMethodAbcScore property (60) causes a violation.]]></Description>