我正在尝试在 jboss 7 中配置 jamon ( http://jamonapi.sourceforge.net/http_monitoring.html )。jamon 网站上给出的配置说明适用于较旧的 jboss (40.5/4.2)。任何人都可以帮助我在 jboss 7 中进行等效的 JAMon 配置设置。
JBoss 4.0.5/4.2 - Other versions may work too.
Put jamon-2.7.jar (or higher) in the jboss instance 'lib' directory (ex. default/lib).
Put jamon.war (or higher) in the jboss instance 'deploy' directory. (ex. default/deploy).
Add the following Valve line to Tomcat's server.xml file (i.e. jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/server.xml). The 'Engine' line is used to show context.
<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
<Valve className="com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve"/>