我的代码开始变得有点难以调试,这让我相信我的设计选择并不理想。我是一名 Android 编程新手,希望在简化设计以实现最佳操作方面得到一些帮助。


我正在编写一个使用 rfcomm 接口在客户端和服务器设备之间传输数据的应用程序。客户端需要使用特定的密钥向服务器请求某些东西,然后它需要等到服务器将结果发回。


  • 按下按钮会触发来自服务器的信息请求。
  • 启动一个执行请求的新线程。
  • 作为唯一整数的密钥被转换为字节数组并发送到服务器。
  • 线程有一个 while 循环,它正在等待特定的布尔值从 false 翻转为 true,指示服务器返回的响应。
  • 在服务器端接收信息。服务器使用密钥来确定下一步要做什么。
  • 服务器启动一个线程来运行一些查询并得到一个 jsonString 作为结果。
  • 服务器将转换为字节数组的 jsonstring 以相同的标识密钥发送回客户端。
  • 客户端读取消息,并根据识别键将字节数组发送给处理方法。
  • 处理方法将 jsonString 存储到类变量中,然后翻转布尔值以让其他线程知道它正在等待的值已被设置。
  • Json 字符串在客户端转换为对象。对那个对象做了一些事情。

此代码当前正确地将信息发送到服务器,服务器正确搜索并获得有效的 json 字符串结果。但是,当服务器将其结果写入客户端时会出现此问题。我收到 20 条消息而不是 1 条消息,但没有一条与搜索键匹配...


  • 我是否以设计明智的有效方式做事?
  • 我可以从使用synchronized关键字 or 和 Atomic Boolean 使我的代码更线程安全中受益吗?我将如何实施它?
  • 将字符串转换为字节数组是否有最大长度?也许代码试图为我中断发送,这就是为什么我得到 20 个不同的结果?


public class ClientSpokesmanClass {

    private final int searchKey = 2222222; //set the key to some int.
    private boolean pendingSearchResults = false;
    List<Place> places = new ArrayList<Place>();

    private final Handler handler = new Handler(){
        public void handleMessage(Message msg){
            switch(msg.what) {
            case MESSAGE_READ:
                //Message received from server
                readAndDistribute(msg.arg1, msg.obj);

   public List<Place> getPlacesFromServer(String query){
        //ask server for search results
        //just wait for them...
        while (pendingSearchResults){
           //just waiting
        return places;

    private void requestSearchFromConnectedDevice(String query) {
        if (mBluetoothState == STATE_CONNECTED){
            byte[] bites = new byte[4];
            bites = ByteBuffer.wrap(bites).putInt(searchKey).array();
            byte[] stringBytes = null;

            try {
                stringBytes = query.getBytes("UTF-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                Log.e(TAG, "unsupported encoding", e);

            int keyLength = bites.length;
            int stringLength = stringBytes.length;

            byte[] combined = new byte[keyLength+stringLength];
            System.arraycopy(bites, 0, combined, 0, keyLength);
            System.arraycopy(stringBytes, 0, combined, keyLength, stringLength);


    pendingSearchResults = true;

private void receiveSearchResults(byte[] bites){

    String jsonString = "";
    PlacesJSONParser parser = new PlacesJSONParser();

     try {
         jsonString = new String(bites, "UTF-8");
     } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        Log.e(TAG, "unsupported encoding", e);

     if (D) Log.d(TAG, "Json string we got is "+jsonString);

    try {
         places = parser.parse(new JSONObject(jsonString));
    } catch (JSONException e) {
         // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        Log.e(TAG, "JSON exception", e);
    pendingSearchResults = false;

 * Reads come here first. Then, based on the key prepended to them, 
  * they then go to other methods for further work.
  * @param bytes
  * @param buffer
private synchronized void readAndDistribute(int bytes, Object buffer){

    byte[] buff = (byte[]) buffer;

     int key = ByteBuffer.wrap(Arrays.copyOfRange(buff, 0, 4)).getInt();

     if (key == searchKey){
         receiveSearchResults(Arrays.copyOfRange(buff, 4, bytes));
         //do something else


public class ClientUI extends Activity {
    onQueryTextSubmit(String query){
        final String queryFinal = query;
        Thread thread = new Thread(){
            public void run() {
               places = ClientSpokesmanClass.getPlacesFromServer(query);



public class ServerReceive {
    private searchKey = 2222222;

    //code that handles messages, reads key, and then runs doSearchAndWriteResults()

    private synchronized void doSearchAndWriteResults(byte[] bites){
        if (D) Log.d(TAG, "+++writeSearchResults");

        //Initialize query and placesString
        String query = null;
        String placesString;

        //Convert byte array to the query string
        try {
            query = new String(bites, "UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
           Log.e(TAG, "unsupported encoding",e);

        //if the string was converted successfully...
        if (query != null){
            //Run the places query and set the json string to placesString
            if (D) Log.d(TAG, "query is "+query);
            PlacesProvider placeProvider = new PlacesProvider();
            placesString = placeProvider.getPlacesString(query);

        //initialize a bite array
        byte[] stringBytes = null;
        try {
            //convert jsonString to byte array
            stringBytes = placesString.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            Log.e(TAG, "unsupported encoding",e);

         //Put the search key to a byte array. I am using this key on the client side
         //to confirm that we are reading searchResults and not some other type of write.
        byte[] bite = new byte[4];
        bite = ByteBuffer.wrap(bite).putInt(searchKey).array();

        //Get the lengths of the two byte arrays
        int keyLength = bite.length;
        int stringLength = stringBytes.length;

        //combine the byte arrays for sending
        byte[] combined = new byte[keyLength+stringLength];
        System.arraycopy(bite, 0, combined, 0, keyLength);
        System.arraycopy(stringBytes, 0, combined, keyLength, stringLength);

        if (D) Log.d(TAG, "Actually writing things here...");

        //send the byte arrrays over rfcomm


1 回答 1


看看https://github.com/gettyimages/connect_sdk_java。具体来说,在测试应用程序中。它使用 AsyncTask 执行搜索,私有类通过 onPostExecute 通知 UI。希望这能让你走得更远。

于 2014-10-06T18:02:22.643 回答