positions2              :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions2              = f where
    f aa aas        = filter (g aa aas) [0 .. (length aas - 1)]
    g aa aas it     = aa == aas !! it


为了找出它的复杂性,我想到了filter一个函数 isg和一个 list [0..length-1]




3 回答 3

  • 过滤器具有O(n)复杂度。
  • [0..x] 具有O(n)复杂度。
  • (!!)具有O(n)复杂度。

由于嵌套(!!) ,您的幼稚实现是二次的


即在惰性列表中生成和过滤的工作是(O(n+n*k)) ,而不是严格列表中的O(2*n) ,其中k是生成单个 cons 单元格的成本。

但是,您对线性索引的使用无论如何都会使这个二次方。我注意到,在具有融合的严格向量上,这将是O(n+n*j)(线性),由于恒定的j查找复杂性,或者使用对数结构化查找O(n+n*log n)

于 2014-10-06T10:18:14.433 回答


positions2 :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions2 x = map fst . filter ((x==).snd) . zip [0..]

main = print $ positions2 3 [1,2,3,4,1,3,4]



于 2014-10-06T09:35:18.523 回答

First, few transformations:

positions2              :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions2              = f where
    f aa aas        = filter (g aa aas) [0 .. (length aas - 1)]
    g aa aas it     = aa == aas !! it
-- ==
positions2 aa aas  = filter (g aa aas) [0 .. (length aas - 1)]
    g aa aas it     = aa == aas !! it
-- ==
positions2 aa aas  = [it | it <- [0 .. (length aas - 1)], aa == (aas !! it)]
positions2 aa aas = for each it in [0 .. (length aas - 1)]
                      if (aas !! it) == aa
                        emit it

Now you can clearly see that for a given it the traversal of the list aas is repeated anew, from its very start, by (!!). This is a classic quadratic behaviour, you perform 1+2+3+4+...+n = O(n2) steps by the time the results of positions2 aa aas are explored in full (the returned list is traversed to its very end).

But you explore progressively increasing indices, so you could as well start from the previous point along the list (and not from its start), and only advance by 1 position each time (and not by full it indices, as (!!) is doing):

positions2 aa aas = g 0 aas
      g i (a:as) | a == aa = i : g (i+1) as
                 | otherwise =   g (i+1) as
      g _ [] = []

Here you can see how the incrementing of the index by 1 (i --> i+1) is weaved together with the advancement along the list by one position ((a:as) --> as).

With list comprehensions again, the weaving (or actually, more like zipping) is achieved by using zip:

positions2 aa aas = [it | (a,it) <- zip aas [0 .. (length aas - 1)]
                        , a == aa]
    = for each a in aas while incrementing it by 1 from 0 to (length aas - 1),
        if a == aa
          emit it

This is clearly and visibly an O(n) solution now. And because Haskell's lists are lazy and zip stops when the shortest list ends,

positions2 aa aas = [it | (a,it) <- zip aas [0 ..], a == aa]

(which is equivalent to the code in this answer here).

于 2014-10-07T08:11:38.773 回答