I have inherited a web project that is perl based and I'm attempting to set up a local testing server so changes can be made internally to the project.
The server architecture Ubuntu 9.10 php 5.2.10 mysql 5.1.37 perl 5.10.0-24ubuntu4
All the dependent modules and packages are installed such as DateTime.pm, TemplateToolkit.pm but running the application throws the following error message:
Can't locate object method "new" via package "Template" (perhaps you forgot to load "Template"?) at ../lib//KPS/TemplateToolkit.pm line 51
The code block that this refers to is:
sub new {
return Template->new(
INCLUDE_PATH => $KPS::Config::templatepath,
DEBUG => 1,
If anybody is able to shed any light on this or point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.