我在用 SQL 编写此 Create view 语句时遇到问题。我想从前往科罗拉多大学 (uid = 2) 的人的表中获取 personID、名字和姓氏。然后我想使用 WITH 子句将此表与我的 body_composition 表结合起来,并打印出 body_composition 表中的所有内容。这是我正在做的查询的确切定义。

首先,编写一个查询,返回所有来自科罗拉多大学的人的 id (pid)、名字 (fname) 和姓氏 (lname)。然后,将该查询放在 WITH 子句中,并将其用作公用表表达式 (CTE),通过内部连接将结果与身体成分表结合起来,从而为就读于科罗拉多大学的人获取身体成分。


错误:“what”处或附近的语法错误第 7 行:with what.body_composition as c


CREATE VIEW withclause AS
SELECT a.pid, a.fname, a.lname
FROM what.person AS a
INNER JOIN what.university AS b
on a.uid = b.uid
WHERE uid = 2
WITH what.body_composition AS c
FROM what.body_composition;


                  Table "what.university"
 Column          |         Type          |                        Modifiers                        
 uid             | integer               | not null default nextval('university_uid_seq'::regclass)
 university_name | character varying(50) | 
 city            | character varying(50) | 

 Table "what.body_composition"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
 pid    | integer | not null
 height | integer | not null
 weight | integer | not null
 age    | integer | not null

    Table "what.person"
 Column |         Type          |                      Modifiers                      
 pid    | integer               | not null default nextval('person_pid_seq'::reg class)
 uid    | integer               | 
 fname  | character varying(25) | not null
 lname  | character varying(25) | not null

1 回答 1



CREATE VIEW withclause AS

WITH cte AS (
  SELECT p.pid, p.fname, p.lname
  FROM what.person as p
  INNER JOIN what.university as u
  ON p.uid = u.uid
  WHERE p.uid = 2

SELECT cte.pid, cte.fname, cte.lname, c.age, c.height, c.weight
FROM cte
INNER JOIN what.body_composition c on c.pid = cte.pid;

示例 SQL Fiddle(基于我假设您使用的基于 psql 标签的 Postgres)。

于 2014-10-05T21:49:13.120 回答