
如何在 Informix (IDS) 11.50 版中创建一个巨大的数据库?


2 回答 2


It is not very different from creating normal database. You can create tables as normal, but then you fill tables with huge amount of data. I think the best you can do is to create application that will fill database with random data. Of course you can use some real data like dates, city names, first names etc, or create "looking normal" names using Markov chain. Look at some examples in Python: Python Markov Chains and how to use them.

For massive inserts you should use PreparedStatement (this is quite easy with Java or Jython), or create huge text file and load them using dbimport.

于 2010-04-13T05:57:03.670 回答

2+ TB 对您来说足够大吗?.. 最好的方法是创建一个表,然后将一个 ascii 文件加载到其中。我有一个 2TB+ (nrows=10M, rowsize=2048) ascii 测试文件(带有管道分隔符),它具有唯一性:全名、地址、电话号码和各种其他数据类型,如 DATE、SMALLINT、DECIMAL (9,2)、等用于测试/基准测试目的。


您也可以创建一个 SPL 来插入随机数据,但对于一个巨大的测试表,它不会为测试目的生成真实或有意义的数据。

于 2010-04-12T14:28:16.647 回答