我正在使用 Visual Studio 2010,包括参考动态数据显示图。我通过在点之间绘制 DragglePoints 和 Segments 来绘制地图多边形。我找到了一个代码,它发现点(x,y)是否在多边形中,但在地图上它不起作用。

 pt = e.GetPosition(this.plotter.CentralGrid); // Get the mouse position
 ps = this.plotter.Viewport.Transform.ScreenToViewport(pt); // Transform the mouse positon to Screen on chartplotter

// Now ps is the point converting to the map point - it works perfect
// I'm using it for another things.(like Painting a dragglepoint or something else.

for (int k = 0; k <= listPolygons.Count - 1; k++)
   bool ifInside = PointInPolygon(new Point(ps.X, double.Parse(this.plotter.Viewport.Transform.DataTransform.ViewportToData(ps).Y.ToString())), listPolygons[k]); // Sending to the functing pointInPolygon the point and list of polygons we have
   if (ifInside)
       listPolygons[k].removePolygon(listPolygons[k], plotter);

和函数 PointInPolygon:

private bool PointInPolygon(Point point, Polygon polygon) 
    List<DraggablePoint> points = polygon.getListPoints();
    DraggablePoint pointClicked = new DraggablePoint(new Point(point.X, point.Y));
    int i, j, nvert = polygon.getNumberOfVertx();
    bool c = false;

    for(i = 0, j = nvert - 1; i < nvert; j = i++)
        if (((points[i].Position.Y) >= pointClicked.Position.Y) != (points[j].Position.Y >= pointClicked.Position.Y) &&
                (pointClicked.Position.X <= (points[j].Position.X - points[i].Position.X) * (pointClicked.Position.Y - points[i].Position.Y) / (points[j].Position.Y - points[i].Position.Y) + points[i].Position.X))
                c = !c;

    return c;

无论我在多边形内部还是外部单击, 这里c总是返回为。and and and被赋予了一个完美的变量——关于地图的值。falsepoints[i].Position.Ypoints[i].Position.XpointClicked.Position.YpointClicked.Position.X


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