I'm wondering if someone knows why gcc
tends to be so conservative about the versions of the libraries to use to compile and build gcc
itself .
The main reasons why I'm asking this are :
- I think that there is a big shift between the "implicitly suggested" versions listed here ( they also appear named in some scripts inside the
sources ) and the latest milestones available - I think that at some point being that conservative can only increase the chances of carrying bugged and sub-optimal versions of the given library
latest releases available at the moment vs the "implicitly suggested" ones :
latest considered by gcc
MPFR 3.1.2 2.4.2
GMP 6.0.0a 4.3.2
MPC 1.0.2 0.8.1
This is just for the vital ones, there are also others like cloog and isl, but here you can see a big difference, those releases are just old .
Does anyone happens to know about some good reasons to do that ? Breaking changes in this 3 libraries ? Stability ? Portability ?