I am using wso2BAM 2.4.1 with wso2ESB 4.6, I first edited the


file and enabled the ServiceDataPublishing feature. Then I setup the BAM Service Data Pblishing feature from the repository on the ESB. After I configured the Service Data Pblishing and my job on the esb got done.

I used the Cassandra Explorer and saw the logs are saving to the Cassandra under the stream name I set in the ESB Service Data Pblishing configurations.

Everything went well till I installed the Service_Statistics_Monitoring toolbox to view data about services and real-time request and response counts.

Since the stream name in the Service_Statistics_Monitoring and Service data Publishing are the same (both are bam_service_data_publisher) I got error in the esb logs for sending data to BAM. I change the stream name in the ESB and the data publishing error gone but still I can not see any data be shown on the dashboard with the Service_Statistics_Monitoring toolbox and it has errors of no data found like the picture below. I have to mention that data is still published to BAM and saved in a table with the new stream name.

enter image description here


1 回答 1


我解决了这个问题!事实上,您应该注意ESB 和 BAM 中的流版本!在 ESB、AS 等 wso2 产品中,如果要在 toolbox dashboard 中看到结果,则the 和 bam 流的流名称Service_Statistics_Monitoring Toolbox应该相同,但需要更改流的版本,Service_Statistics_Monitoring Toolbox占用 1.0.0 版本所以您必须使用工具箱更改要监视的其他 bam 流的版本。

于 2014-10-07T13:03:14.033 回答