我使用 arangob 来测试 ArangoDB 的性能,但是 arangob 不能发送超过 1000 个的请求。“操作总数:”始终为 1000。
$./arangob --server.endpoint "tcp://" --delay --requests 50000 --test-case document --complexity 10 --batch-size 0 --concurrency 1
starting threads...
executing tests...
2014-10-02T06:58:39Z [15498] INFO number of operations: 100
2014-10-02T06:58:39Z [15498] INFO number of operations: 150
2014-10-02T06:58:39Z [15498] INFO number of operations: 200
2014-10-02T06:58:39Z [15498] INFO number of operations: 250
2014-10-02T06:58:39Z [15498] INFO number of operations: 300
2014-10-02T06:58:39Z [15498] INFO number of operations: 350
2014-10-02T06:58:39Z [15498] INFO number of operations: 400
2014-10-02T06:58:39Z [15498] INFO number of operations: 450
2014-10-02T06:58:39Z [15498] INFO number of operations: 500
Total number of operations: 1000, keep alive: yes, async: no, batch size: 0, concurrency level (threads): 1
Test case: document, complexity: 10, database: '_system', collection: 'ArangoBenchmark'
Total request/response duration (sum of all threads): 0.207963 s
Request/response duration (per thread): 0.207963 s
Time needed per operation: 0.000224 s
Time needed per operation per thread: 0.000224 s
Operations per second rate: 4469.890637
Elapsed time since start: 0.223719 s